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Comment No Computers Required (Score 1) 289

Interestingly enough, the United States and Russia, along with Britain and France -- maybe China, maybe not -- refined their fissionable material and built their original atomic bombs w/o the assistance of computers at all, let alone anything like the PCs and control systems of today. Iran seems incapable of this level of engineering.

Comment Re:Same island Bill Gates chose for wedding (Score 1) 398

I remember that BG was married there and given how he has bought up all of the property around his Lake Washington home for a greater buffer zone, along with other rumors that he was looking for greater privacy, That BillG was going to buy Lana'i. I mean, it's big enough to hold your largest house, add a landing field, and you get an 8000 foot deep moat around the whole thing. What's not to like?

If I was rich enough to own Lana'i, I'd go back to pineapple farming on it. I flew over it in those days it it looked lovely and peaceful.

Comment Re:All this trouble. (Score 0, Troll) 400

No, he's not *afraid* of it. He *knows* it. This whole thing was such an obvious setup from the get-go that I'm surprised the CIA had the balls to even try it. Shit, even Dominique Strauss-Kahn was less obvious than this mess.

Excuse me, Sir, but your tinfoil hat has slipped a bit to the side. You probably want to get it more firmly back on your head again.

Comment Re:All this trouble. (Score 0) 400

If you had sent copies of the secrets of the world's most powerful government to everyone else, would you not be a little nervous about unusual criminal proceedings?

No, because I wouldn't have sent copies of the secrets of the world's most powerful government to everyone else in the first place.

Comment Re:This is so sad... (Score 1) 400

He is truly this paranoid? Can someone get this man to a psychiatrist? He is only wanted for questioning. Sweden wont extradite him to USA. If you believe that you have been sucked in to the conspiracy nuts world.

This is so far from reality

No doubt about that. He has been ranting for months that the USA will secretly extradite him from Sweden (as if Sweden has already okayed this -- yeah right), ship him off to Guantanamo Bay (like Harold & Kumar, no doubt), and execute him shortly thereafter. Does that actually sound realistic to anybody with at least half a brain living in this USA? Hell, Obama would probably have a reception for him at the White House instead.

Comment Re:Oakland is much better anyway (Score 1) 373

My own two cents, but I've been living in Oakland for 20 years, and never had one urge to move to SF. Oakland has much better weather, amazing parks (10 minute drive from my house and I'm in a redwood forest), and now that it's mathematically impossible to start new clubs, bars, or restaurants in SF they are all moving here!

I get why people have skewed ideas about Oakland (the media, the closet and overt racism) but I tell them: It's a great place to live, but you wouldn't want to visit there.

And it is also the home of Occupy Oakland -- one of the most activist, violent, and ill-tempered Occupy movements anywhere. Who wouldn't want that in their neighborhood?

Comment 1sided Load of Crap (Score 1) 373

What a one-sided load of excrement this article is. Do the authors not want San Francisco (a city that has never had cheap rents in my experience) to not be successful?

And why is it that (note the clever playing of the race card) that only potentially displaced residents are the ones with creative or artistic value? Do these new people moving in have nothing at all to offer the city? I'm sure that they do.

Cities grow, shrink, and change over time. And how hard is it really to live in Oakland and participate in San Francisco when the two cities are only a short BART ride under the bay?

I mean really, what a waste of bandwidth this whiny article is.

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