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Comment How much does loyalty pay? (Score 1) 735

The part that concerns me is the part about the "interesting" code from outsourcing. Having spent too much time with "interesting" code I would suggest that if you are not in a position where you can ensure that it is made less interesting then your days are already numbered and it's time to vote with your feet.

Comment Re:Pay to call, not to recieve. (Score 1) 619

Cell phones should also have configurable voice mail settings to extend the time before the call is sent to voice mail. The way it is now, if you aren't sitting there waiting for the call and willing to drop everything to answer it, voice mail takes over and the caller has to pay for the time it takes to listen to the "how to leave voice mail" message and the callee has to pay to retrieve it. If I don't have the phone in my hand or on my desk, it usually takes me the full allotment of time to get the damn thing out of my pocket.

Comment Leninism-Stalinism vs. Marxism (Score 1) 1271

If more people read Marx instead of equating Soviet style government "communism" with Marxism, reading and studying what Marx actually wrote wouldn't be so controversial. But of course, the USA continues to rail against that particular bogeyman long after it collapsed.

Comment Re:Personal web pages? (Score 1) 130

My only use for that space is (was) to provide links to files which made the FTP interface for uploads extremely useful. Verizon's other tools are awkward, cumbersome, and roughly equivalent to reaching over your right shoulder with your left hand to retrieve something from your left-side back pocket. Using FTP only required a simple script.

Comment Re:People still believe that? (Score 1) 1014

It's very important to the fundamentalist evangelical crowd represented by people like Al Mohler, John Hagee, and Tim LaHaye. The "logic" works like this: Because of the fall from grace in the Garden of Eden, mankind became tainted with Original Sin. Jesus came to save mankind from this taint. If there was no Original Sin, then there is no need for Jesus. Therefore, the story of the Garden of Eden -- and the rest of the Bible -- MUST be literally true. Now see, it's perfectly clear.

Comment Re:Cant compete, but sue. (Score 1) 412

Apple can't compete on price. If there is a comparable product available at a significantly lower price it will overcome the advantage provided by the cachet of the Apple logo. Apple knows this so it does its best to keep those products off the market and if that won't work there's always license fees to augment the revenue stream. Whether or not those patents represent true, non-obvious, innovations is eventually settled in court. But regardless of the eventual outcome, it is Apple's best interest to keep the competitive products out of consumers' hands rather than allowing them to develop a following.

Comment Re:Already seen in practice (Score 1) 130

You do have an accurate gas gauge. It's the one on the gas pump when you fill up. Keeping track of miles since last fill up gives you a very good estimate of MPG. Days since last fill up adds in MPDay. Paying attention to -- and trying to maximize -- the MPG on the dashboard (which is always optimistic) improved my calculated MPG from 33 to 35 and cut my MPD from 1.1 to 0.95. The car I drive less often has an "instantaneous" MPG setting which is also fun to play with -- going down hills it maxes out at 99. It also shows the effect of rapid acceleration compared to acquiring momentum more gradually.

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