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Journal Journal: Back to the grind tomorrow

Well, on the whole, life is good. I realize I've neglected this journal for a few days, but it's been very hectic, with family here and all.

I had a pretty good time over the break...wish it was longer, but what're you going to do...

On Wednesday, I saw Die Another Day with Tim, Andrew, and Sarah. All that can be said about that movie is that it's a nebula. But...a laser? An invisible car? And how did that plane keep flying even after it had been hit? ::sigh:: What a horrible insult to Bond movies.

Thursday...hmm, I don't really remember what I did on Thursday. Something with family, no doubt.

Friday, worked on a fish program, played with nephews, and watched a humiliating defeat of the Caps. Grr...

Saturday, went ice skating downtown. Fun.

Sunday looks like it'll be fun. Anyway, gotta go to lunch now, maybe I'll finish this journal entry later.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Bleh

I am sure that most of you who know me are caught up in the saga of My Eye. For the record, I was not beaten up by Janet, the injury was sustained during an extreme game of a Hide-and-Seek derivative. It is apparently healing well. I am sure many of you are relieved to hear this.

To keep the crap out of it, I've bought an eyepatch. Question - would I look like Moshe Dayan if I shaved my head? I think there'd be some resemblance there.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Various Topics

Nephews are here. w00t.

Knight of One Axe was pretty cool. Three of the four plays were funny. The fourth one went over my head, but I think it was a drama.

I finished Ender's Game today. What a wonderful, disturbing book. I was ordered to read it for work...I now completely understand my project.

Anyway. One of my nephews got some awesome birthday presents. I wish someone would give me an E model rocket and a super spy kit. *ahem* :-)

I don't really have anything to say more than, have a good weekend, everyone.
User Journal

Journal Journal: My Stuff

So today, for a class presentation, I brought in my family's gong. This is a very nice gong - we got it when we lived in Indonesia, and have kept it with us. It makes a really nice sound if you know how to use it (not too loud, not too soft). Anyway, my presentation went great with it.

So then, I'm sitting in my next class, and I hear a BONG coming from next door. It's an unmistakeable sound, and it was way too loud. I knew it was my gong, which I'd left in the classroom until I could load it up in my car.

Now, maybe I'm possessive, but that really pissed me off. Sure enough, someone in that class confirmed that they were using my gong. To add insult to injury, the teacher asked where they had gotten their gong, and she had been extremely pleased with them using it. She hadn't made any special mention of it to me. It feels like plagiarism...even though it's not. I did the work, and someone else is getting the credit.

However, I don't feel right about being angry. I don't like to think of myself as a hardass. In fact, had the person who used it come to me and asked for permission to use it, I am sure I would have said yes. So why am I so angry about this person using my gong? You can indeed damage a gong by hitting it too hard, and I could hear that it was hit too hard. But I can't tell which angers me more - someone using the gong without my permission, or being recognized for my work.

Anyway...question to anyone, which one would you be more angry about? And do I have any right to be angry, or am I just turning into a posessive jackass?
User Journal

Journal Journal: William & Mary and other topics...

W&M was great...learned a lot about the Middle East conflict, then solved it. Heh. Andrew is talking to Tim and me, but we're not sure about Sam yet. I got an honorable, too...speaking of which, congratulations to Sarah on getting her first honorable!

Started reading 1984 today. Disturbing book. Even more disturbing that it's coming to fruition in real life. DARPA's IAO program is Big Brother. Take a look at the logo...the pyramid with the eye is a symbol from the Freemasons. That's kind of ironic, considering that their mission is to stop "shadowy networks that are hard to identify." Also scary are their actual programs - they intend to track and analyze all voice and data communications in the United States. Take a look at their programs...very scary stuff. I especially don't like their ominous-sounding "Multiple Applications" note for the program about collecting all kinds of information about people. I can think of several possibilities for using that information, and none of them are good for privacy. Strangely enough, DARPA was a spinoff of the company I now work for. But scariest of all, the program is headed by Admiral John Poindexter of Iran-Contra fame. I'm glad that someone with a proven track record at maintaining separation of powers, following the law, and keeping his superiors notified will be operating this program. It's also good to know that the appeals court overturned his perjury conviction because Congress had given him immunity.


Anyhow...after people heard about a certain song, I received numerous requests to post it on my journal. I am doing this against my best knowledge...and I do not expect to hear any whipped jokes. Yes, that includes you, Maddy.

I am also going to repost another song by the same group because it's a song that many people I know need to take heed of.

The requested song:
Offspring - "Self Esteem"
I wrote her off for the tenth time today
And practiced all the things I would say
But she came over
I lost my nerve
I took her back and made her dessert
Now I know I'm being used
That's okay man cause I like the abuse
I know she's playing with me
That's okay cause I've got no self esteem
We make plans to go out at night
I wait till 2 then I turn out the light
All this rejection's got me so low
If she keep it up I just might tell her so
When she's saying that she wants only me
Then I wonder why she sleeps with my friends
When she's saying that I'm like a disease
Then I wonder how much more I can spend
Well I guess I should stick up for myself
But I really think it's better this way
The more you suffer
The more it shows you really care, right?
Now I'll relate this little bit
That happens more than I'd like to admit
Late at night she knocks on my door
Drunk again and looking to score
Now I know I should say no
But that's kind of hard when she's ready to go
I may be dumb But I'm not a dweeb
I'm just a sucker with no self esteem

Offspring - "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)"
You know it's kind of hard
Just to get along today
Our subject isn't cool
But he fakes it anyway
He may not have a clue
And he may not have style
But everything he lacks
Well he makes up in denial

So don't debate, a player straight
You know he really doesn't get it anyway
He's gonna play the field, and keep it real
For you no way, for you no way
So if you don't rate, just overcompensate
At least you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake
The world needs wannabe's
So do that brand new thing

He needs some cool tunes
Not just any will suffice
But they didn't have Ice Cube
So he bought Vanilla Ice
Now cruising in his Pinto, he sees homies as he pass
But if he looks twice
They're gonna kick his lily ass

Now he's getting a tattoo
He's gettin' ink done
He asked for a '13', but they drew a '31'
Friends say he's trying too hard
And he's not quite hip
But in his own mind
He's the dopest trip

So don't debate, a player straight
You know he really doesn't get it anyway
He's gonna play the field, and keep it real
For you no way, for you no way
So if you don't rate, just overcompensate
At least you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake
The world needs wannabe's
The world loves wannabe's
So let's get some more wannabe's
And do that brand new thing
User Journal

Journal Journal: Sigh...

I really hate myself sometimes...I just got into a disagreement with my best friend over a trivial, meaningless issue. If you're reading this, I'm sorry. stupid sometimes...
User Journal

Journal Journal: Whoohoo

Excellent day. Managed to get all my work done, got funding for my project at work, wrote an email to a guy about fluid flows, figured out how to make a larger cluster, set up a meeting with some law enforcement people who have some relevant information. Yay.

Anyhow...preparing for Model UN this weekend. Should be interesting.

Watching West Wing now...wishing I had something more profound to say in this post.

Well, hopefully I'll have inspiration tomorrow. I'll try to write.
User Journal

Journal Journal: How to post comments 1

OK, found out this needed to be explained. You click the little thing marked "0 Comments" (or potentially a number greater than 0) for the message you want to reply to. Then click "Reply."
User Journal

Journal Journal: At the end of a week

Well, it's that fun time of week again - Friday. Pretty much everything work or school related was bad...oh well. Mr. McC's argument that the Dutch were better than the US was funny. I think I was laughing at him, not with him, though. Hum was bad, but oh well. Then, at work, I had several discussions that were maddeningly frustrating because of my inability to convey my point to several people. At the mock MUN conference, I got paired up with a novice...he seemed pretty cool, and caught on quickly. I just wish I could have gotten him to speak up...even so, I had fun at the mock MUN conference and then going to Borders with Sarah.

Not much homework this weekend...going to another Caps game tomorrow!

Anyhow...I think I'm a perpetually bored person. When I'm at home, I get bored. When I'm at work, I get bored. When I'm at school, I'm bored. This is despite the fact that there are many interesting things going on at all three...

Oh, yeah, I was going to bitch about how nobody's posting comments in this journal. Now, I know people are reading it. So why don't you post comments? Give me some hope that when I look at my journal it will have new comments in it.

Now, for song lyrics. This post courtesy System of a Down.

Wake up- wake up
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
(hide the scars to fade away the shakeup)
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to,
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
You wanted to,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
You wanted to,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
You wanted to,

I don't think you trust,
In, my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to DIE!
wah! woa!
Wake up- wake up!
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
(Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup)
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to,
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
You wanted to,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
You wanted to,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
You wanted to,

I don't think you trust,
In, my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
In my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die

Father (father), Father(mother), Father
(brother!), Father(fucker!!),
Father, Into your hands, I, commend my spirit,
Father, into your hands,

Why have you forsaken me,
In your eyes forsaken me,
In your thoughts forsaken me,
In your heart forsaken, me oh,

Trust in my self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die,
In my self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die.

First person to successfully explain that gets a dollar. Your explanation must also explain the title, "Chop Suey."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Four-Day Weekend

Well, I'm almost one day through the four-day weekend. Let's see how it goes...

My major accomplishments so far today: finishing up a chapter in The Company (an excellent book, by the way), watching Office Space (an excellent movie, by the way), and going to Chili's (an excellent restaurant, by the way).

Went to a Caps game on Friday with Ben and Chris. That was awesome...makes me wish I paid attention to the NHL more. I can play hockey, but I don't follow it. By the way, you can get tickets for $10 (and, although they're the highest seats in the MCI center, you can still follow the, for basketball, those seats would suck, but hockey works). No nosebleeds among anyone in that section, luckily.

Hmm...seems like everyone is out of town this weekend. It'd be nice to be able to do something with friends...if you want to do something, give me a call.

Grr...I wish I could do something cool this weekend, since I only get them a couple of times a year (although there's the summer, but I'll probably be working again next summer). Speaking of which, I sent in my application for a job at an intelligence agency on Friday...I think I have a good shot at it, but I'm not sure I want to leave the DOD for the intelligence community...everyone in the office has been great to me, and I'm not sure it'd be as good elsewhere. Plus, it would mean a slight cut in pay. Oh well...I guess I'll just have to see what comes of it. No sense counting my chickens before they're hatched.

This four-day weekend also worries me for another reason. I was working hard during the summer. I worked hard for the majority of the first quarter. However, we had a short break, over which I had no work. When we came back, it took me a little while to get back into the swing of things. If I don't want to take a hit in my grades, I'll have to get right back to working hard at school. That's why I'm thinking about going in to work (at the office) on Monday and Tuesday. *shrug* I guess I'll have to see if any of my friends are in town.

Hockey tomorrow - excellent.

Finally, I seem to be forgetting one or two things every day. Very rarely are they big things, but I still just forget small things. I'm worried that one day it's going to be something big. I did manage to embarass myself by forgetting that I had a meeting with the Vice Chairman of the JCS, and though I did show up for it, had I remembered, I would have worn a jacket and tie. A lot of you have probably heard that story...if not, ask me, because it's really a funny story (although you may question my competence after hearing it).

And the song du jour:

Bat your eyes girl
Be otherworldly
Count your blessings
Seduce a stranger
What's so wrong
With being happy?
Kudos to those who
See through sickness
Over and over
And over and over

She woke in the morning
She knew that her life
Had passed her by
She called out a warning
Don't ever let life pass you by

I suggest we
Learn to love ourselves
Before it's made illegal
When will we learn
When will we change
Just in time to see it
All come down

Those left standing
Will make millions
Writing books on ways
It should have been

She woke in the morning
She knew that her life
Had passed her by
She called out a warning
Don't ever let life pass you by

Floating in this cosmic Jacuzzi
We are like frogs oblivious
To the water starting to boil
Now I flinch and
We all float face down

She woke in the morning
She knew that her life
Had passed her by
She called out a warning
Don't ever let life pass you by
Pass you by

-Incubus, "Warning"

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