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Comment Re:goatse g oatse go atse goa tse goat se goats e (Score 1) 329

For the most part the hardware is decent (its underpowered, but the keyboards are pretty good). They're cheap; you can get the flagship blackberry for $99. RIM's actually done a decent job of shoehorning in more "consumer" features like media apps and the like (considering what they were beginning with). Also they're cheap. Prior to the iPhone, Blackberry was the image of smartphones for a lot of people too.

Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 365

For every person stupid enough to seek support for a product they don't own, there are another 5 or 6 who aren't that dumb (and will forever remember your company as the one who makes buggy software)

I can understand this if your anti-piracy measures are affecting legitimate users, but if the users complaining were pirates, do you really want them as customers in the first place? They weren't paying for the software, so why do you care if they're happy?

Comment Re:Geolocation APIs (and opinion) (Score 1) 198

That said, am I the only one who just doesn't care? This company is providing bandwidth and fronting music industry negotiations in order to deliver a useful and valuable service to me for free. As per the implicit (and explicit) contract with almost every modern free service, it's a willing exchange of information, and I'm perfectly willing to trade my phone ID and location for this service (for now).

It would be nice, though, if there was an Android requirement that each application disclosed exactly what data it was collecting, and for what purpose, in order to be included in the Marketplace.

Personally, I don't think its the end of the world. its a free app and you should expect to be giving away at least some of your information in exchange. However, they should be up front about what they're taking, which if I've read the article correctly, they aren't.

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