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Comment Re: Don't worry. (Score 1) 113

You are just foolish. Scientific computing does not require the fastest CPU or largest computer. And in addition to computing stuff many like to use visualization tools to analyze them. The mac is convenient for both applications. I generally use a Ryzen CPU with nvidia graphics but lots of people use mac for the same functions. Using the exact same programs I use on Linux.

And the function of an os is indeed to manage running programs and organize files.

Comment It is technology that meets the requirements (Score 2) 113

There is no shame in using robust technology that meets all requirements of the specification.

Floppy technology/versions is now static. No need to worry about the "new version" breaking the system.
Software can assume the storage capacity of the device, because it is fixed.
System is fully tested with this technology over the past 20 years, all behaviours and failure points are known by now

There is no point in changing unless the requirements change. For example if the data size cannot fit on the disks or the time requirements for loading speed or something is changed. The IBM AP101 works great on space shuttles, missiles and all kinds of things. Not the fastest, but has been proven to work in those environments.

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