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Comment Re:This is only temporary (Score 0) 471

"(I consider the modern Republican party to be nothing more than a scam that seeks power for the explicit purpose of perverting the United States into some combination of theocracy and corporate plutocracy. I hold the Democrats in marginally less contempt; At least they generally offer the people a reacharound while they're screwing us)"

This being modded to 5: Insightful (!!) says more about the audience of this web page than words ever could. What a collection of idiot sheep that clearly spend more time reading Slashdot than actual history...

As to "The Master Control Pee", you're probably too busy trying to tune in "The View" and "Air America" to actually read and understand what's going on here. If you're still trying to hold Ronald Reagan and the Bush's (as if they had similar objectives and methods (NOT!!)) for the mess the current moronic air filled suit in the WH has made you're not only delusional but stupid. This is what happens when a newbee Senator that's done nothing to be elected president, beyond managing to be born brown, gets into office. The insanely stupid fascists in Congress keep the boy playing golf and bball and anything else that will keep him otherwise quiet and out of the way while they run the country. Stay tuned genius, I can't wait to use your money to pad my pocket!! "Nemo me impune lacessit". The American people will not tolerate much more of this. Our time is approaching....

Comment Re:This is only temporary (Score 1) 471

"They're like the placebo"

Uhhhh no, Placebo's don't triple the national dept in less than 2 years without gaining the people the money was stolen from anything! A placebo is a treatment that has no REAL effect other than from the belief of the patient that it may work because they "believe" (hope and change??) it will work. Try that sometime when stepping in front of a fast moving car. Hope that it will Change direction and see how it works for ya... Yep, that's where we're all at. Standing in front of a fast moving vehicle Hoping it will Change. The Democrats aren't a placebo. They're a 12 gauge shotgun slug to the skull to fix a head ache. Feeling any better?

Comment Government Motors loses money.... (Score 1) 471

So where corrupt union officials failed the US Government has succeeded. Toss out the CEO and replace him with an Obamite, place key union officials in charge of corporate finances (paying them off with stolen tax money before REAL investors) and force the company to ramp up production of a vehicle whose time (and technology) has not yet come whose market is as imaginary as the Hollywood image that's been created.

The destruction of an auto mobile company 1, 2, 3. Henry Ford should have been so effective...

Comment Re:19 miles isn't "space" (Score 1) 243

Which would be totally awesome but I've always wondered about the danger of this causing problems. I mean, the chances of hitting something are fairly small, but still .... hit an aircraft and now you're endangering lives (not to mention in VERY DEEP S**T). And who knows who might pick the thing up on radar and again, you're in trouble.

Still, it wouldn't be that technically difficult to do....

Comment Re:Keeling curve (Score 1) 279

What you're looking at is a Wiki entry and, even if we assume it's correct (ha!!) it only covers the last 50 years. That's an infinitesimally small period of time given the life time of earth (or even human existence on earth. What were the levels 100 years ago? 200? 1000? Don't know? That's right. No one was measuring them at that time. Certainly not in a way that can be summed up. The other problem is where are these readings taken from? North pole? South pole? All over the world and averaged? Median? That's my argument that this isn't a science at all. It's a religion that makes it extremely difficult to cull the noise from the legitimate data. For all we know carbon goes up and down on a 1000 year cycle that's peaking right now.

Actually there have been measurements taken from ice cores that "seem" to indicate just that (not 1000 years but 27000 years).

A wiki entry does not legitimate data make and it's certainly not the whole story.

Comment Genius!! (Score 0, Troll) 279

Now if only there was any evidence WHATSOEVER that carbon IS increasing OR that increased carbon in the atmosphere is a bad thing!! Yeah, turn that little knob and see if things get better.... OOPS! The whole system is screwed up? Just turn it back right?

The problem here is that we don't understand the environment or our atmosphere nearly as well as a lot of scientists seeking funding for these studies would like you to think. Trying to make changes to the natural environment can cause just as many problems as it helps and that's assuming it helps AT ALL. Someday we may understand things enough to know what and how to affect change but that's certainly not today. To say it's an emergency (and ALL data says NOT!!) and we have to do something, anything!! is just stupid. Step one is having models that are reliable, step two is to be 100% certain that what's happening will have a negative enough impact to justify intervention.

On the models thing I keep reading about how they're getting better and better and yet we still can't predict weather day to day. How good can our models be when the path of a hurricane or the formation of a tornado or what the temperature will be tomorrow is virtually unpredictable. Oh yeah, we have a probability maps but keep in mind that most environmentalists are trying to claim they can predict an increase in global temperature of less than 1 degree in 100 years. It's not valid science and those trying to claim it is are just looking for money.

If you want to see what happens when we try to step in and HELP nature read about the history of Yellowstone National Park. We're very lucky it's still there for all the HELP we've given it....

Comment Re:What's the difference? (Score 1) 134

Kinda sad. I thought it had so much promise initially and a lot of money has been thrown at it. But as someone in a previous thread was saying, iBiquity is trying to milk every little thing they can and it's clearly not going to work. Most stations will "just say no" and never miss a thing. From what I'm seeing over the last year I think HD-R may be effectively dead. Little bit like the early Apple story (without the happy ending). Too greedy too soon and the technology dies on the vine for lack of adoption.


The 10 Most Absurd Scientific Papers Screenshot-sm 127

Lanxon writes "It's true: 'Effects of cocaine on honeybee dance behavior,' 'Fellatio by fruit bats prolongs copulation time,' and 'Are full or empty beer bottles sturdier and does their fracture-threshold suffice to break the human skull?' are all genuine scientific research papers, and all were genuinely published in journals or similar publications. Wired's presentation of a collection of the most bizarrely-named research papers contains seven other gems, including one about naval fluff and another published in The Journal of Sex Research."

Scientists Discover Booze That Won't Give You a Hangover Screenshot-sm 334

Kwang-il Kwon and Hye Gwang Jeong of Chungnam National University have discovered that drinking alcohol with oxygen bubbles added leads to fewer hangovers and a shorter sobering up time. People drinking the bubbly booze sobered up 20-30 minutes faster and had less severe and fewer hangovers than people who drank the non-fizzy stuff. Kwon said: "The oxygen-enriched alcohol beverage reduces plasma alcohol concentrations faster than a normal dissolved-oxygen alcohol beverage does. This could provide both clinical and real-life significance. The oxygen-enriched alcohol beverage would allow individuals to become sober faster, and reduce the side effects of acetaldehyde without a significant difference in alcohol's effects. Furthermore, the reduced time to a lower BAC may reduce alcohol-related accidents."
Input Devices

New I/O Standard Bids To Replace Mini PCI Express 31

DeviceGuru writes "LinuxDevices reports that a group of companies today unveiled — and demonstrated products based on — a tiny new PCI Express expansion standard. Although it's somewhat larger than the PCI Express Mini Card, the tiny new 43mm x 65mm FeaturePak card's high density 230-pin edgecard connector provides twice the number of PCI Express and USB 2.0 channels to the host computer, plus 100 lines dedicated to general purpose I/O, of which 34 signal pairs are implemented with enhanced isolation for use in applications such as gigabit Ethernet or high-precision analog I/O. While FeaturePaks will certainly be used in all sorts of embedded devices (medical instruments, test equipment, etc.), the tiny cards could also be used for developing configurable consumer devices, for example to add an embedded firewall/router or security processor to laptop or notebook computers, or for modular functionality in TV set-top-boxes and Internet edge devices." The president of Diamond Systems, which invented the new card, said "Following the FeaturePak initiative's initial launch, we intend to turn the FeaturePak specification, trademark, and logo over to a suitable standards organization so it can become an industry-wide, open-architecture, embedded standard" (but to use the logo you have to join the organization).

Google Awarded Broad Patent For Location-Based Advertising 54

Mashable has a report of a patent that just issued (6-1/2 years after filing) — apparently Google now has a lock on location-based advertising. It's not clear that the search company intends to assert the patent against any other companies (such as emerging rival Apple), but it's useful as leverage. Here is the patent. Update: 03/02 14:34 GMT by S : Reader butlerm noted that the incorrect patent was linked. It now points to the correct URL.

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