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Comment Re:False (Score 1) 132

If you want predictable names from hardware, and you want to be able to add and remove devices the only solution would be to allocate enormous holes if you want to keep the current ethx naming scheme. i.e.

eth0 - eth999 on board
eth1000 + slot * 1000 + port for cards

Comment Re:Is C++ ever the right tool for the job? (Score 1) 509

Most applications should not be written in C or C++., they should be written in a more high level language, where certain kinds of mistakes can not be made.
Some time critical stuff can be written (as you suggest) in small parts in C to make it perform well. For some stuff you can not mix the C language with languages like Python, Java or C# because latency is a factor, and you want real time behaviour (that is, no garbage collection). Then C++ is a great choice.

Comment Re:Kernel locking (Score 2) 135

In debian it will be available soon in unstable, the RC is already available in experimental.

Package linux-image-2.6.37-rc7-686

        * experimental (kernel): Linux 2.6.37-rc7 for modern PCs
            2.6.37~rc7-1~experimental.1: i386

Comment Re:Barbara Streisand Effect (Score 1) 213

In my country (to my knowledge, in modern time) no one has been put in jail because they criticize the government, and we have plenty of people that do criticize the government in news papers, radio, television and on the net.
If they have been put to jail it has been because they have leaked classified information or been spying for foreign countries or similar. Not because they are crazy and believe that China and north Korea are the paradise on earth.

We even have such lunatics that regularly write such stuff in the papers!


Thief Returns Stolen Laptop Contents On USB Stick 352

While it's true that Sweden is responsible for unleashing IKEA and ABBA on humanity, not everything they produce is terrible. Their thieves are some of the most considerate in the world. An unnamed professor at Umeå University received a USB stick with all his data after his laptop was stolen. From the article: "The professor, who teaches at Umeå University in northern Sweden, was devastated when ten years of work stored on his laptop was stolen. But to his surprise, a week after the theft, the entire contents of his laptop were posted to him on a USB stick. 'I am very happy,' the unnamed professor told the local Västerbottens-Kuriren newspaper. 'This story makes me feel hope for humanity.'"

Medieval Copy Protection 226

An anonymous reader writes "In medieval times a 'book curse' was often included on the inside cover or on the last leaf of a manuscripts, warning away anyone who might do the book some harm. Here's a particularly pretty one from Yale's Beinecke MS 214: 'In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. In the one thousand two hundred twenty-ninth year from the incarnation of our Lord, Peter, of all monks the least significant, gave this book to the [Benedictine monastery of the] most blessed martyr, St. Quentin. If anyone should steal it, let him know that on the Day of Judgment the most sainted martyr himself will be the accuser against him before the face of our Lord Jesus Christ.'"

Apple Wants Patent On Video Game-Based iBooks 104

theodp writes "Patently Apple reports that a new Apple patent application has surfaced describing an application that would record your personal journey through a video game and turn it into a custom comic or iBook when you're done playing. Imagine how thrilled little Billy's Mommy would have been if she only had the chance to read the story of her son's foray into Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas or see how he dealt with BioShock's Little Sisters."

Rupert Murdoch Claims To Own the 'Sky' In 'Skype' 186

Crudely_Indecent writes "Not content to own just news stories, Rupert Murdoch is now going after individual words! His BSkyB is fighting a legal battle with Skype, claiming that it owns the 'Sky' in 'Skype.' From the article: 'A spokesman for Sky confirmed that the company has been involved in a "five-year dispute with Skype" over trademark applications filed by the telecomms company. These are, the spokesman added: "including, but not limited to, television-related goods and services."'"
The Internet

Woman's Nude Pics End Up Online After Call To Tech Support 197

Tara Fitzgerald couldn't find the nude pictures she planned on sending to her boyfriend, but instead of just taking more, she decided to see if a Dell tech support call could fix her problem. Apparently the tech support guy found them. Unfortunately, he then put them up on a site called "bitchtara."

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