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Comment Well this is disturbing. (Score 5, Interesting) 445

I rarely have ever run into a hard drive go bad within a year (24" iMac though was a very expensive and notable exception).

I HAVE however run into my fair share of HDDs go bad within 3 years and definitely 5 years.

So -

Does anybody know which manufacturers offer the BEST warranties? Here I was just getting ready to order some 3TB SATA 7200RPM drives for my Drobos.

Comment He's still a douche. (Score 1) 579

I don't care what loopholes he's able to use, doing that is still a douche move.

(Typed from my Apple Wireless Keyboard into a Safari textbox running on Mac OS X Lion on my 27" iMac. I love the products, but the more I learn about Jobs the more disgusted I become at him.)

The man was fracking prick.

Comment Re:UCFSA (Score 1) 578

I mentioned nothing about the current administration.

I was talking about the United States as a whole.

Ergo, the United Conservative Fascist States of America.

Which, I hate to be the one to also tell you there's no such thing as the Easter Bunny, but we *are*.

In most (all?) other western Democracies in the World other than us (including Canada):

Our "progressives" are considered "conservatives" by the rest of the World.

Our "conservatives" are considered "fascists" by the rest of the World.

This is not a red-state/ blue-state/ republican/ democrat issue.

This is fact.

Which makes it even more funny when conservative blowhards banty about the word "socialism" to refer to anything the current administration does.

Comment Re:Full-Disclosure (Score 2) 231

Re-posting because I forgot to login:

In a perfect World that would work, and Companies would notify their customers of the threat and come up with a game plan to mitigate the vulnerability.

In the real World Companies aren't going to do Jack Schitt unless their hand is forced.

And for me, as the Customer, I'd much rather know that a threat exists so *I* can be proactive and try to mitigate the threat than rely on some Company sitting on a vulnerability for months and years while they devise a patch or hotfix all the while I — the customer — am in the dark, and the bad guys have an opportunity to exploit the vulnerability.

Ethical Disclosure is a fallacy.

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