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Comment Actually SCOTUS supports anonymous political speec (Score 1) 254


Someone was charged with distributing political pamphlets without complying bwith campaign finance laws by declaring who paid for it. The court found that they had the right to anonymity. Sooty I don't have the citation.

Anonymous pamphleteering has a long tradition. nowadays we have Anonymous and LulzSec, but the USSR had typewritten Samizdat, and the British faced hand-operated printing presses operated in thevdark of the night.

Comment They do, sometimes (Score 4, Insightful) 254

The FBI isn't all bad. they really do investigate corrupt politicians, such as the Portland, Oregon city official who now stands accused ofvtaking bribes from a parking meter company.

The problem we have is that it is not illegal to change your vote in response to a campaign "donation". I would like to see a Constitutional amendment that forbid any but individual live humans from contributing nonpolitical campaigns.

Comment You will note I post under my real name (Score 1) 254

My personal objective is in part to do away with the greed, corruption and incompetence that permeates the software industry. I have never made a secret of that fact, because the software industry sickens me so.

Yet the not men but mice who inhabit Kuro5hin fault me for not devoting more of my time to shipping software products. I really don't see how that would be a productive use of my limited time on The Mortal Plane. We have lots of software products, but few who are willing to take a stand against corruption.

Comment The Declaration was anything but Civil (Score 1) 254

Some German friends asked me what Americans celebrated on The Fourthnof July. "Thats when we started shooting at the British," I replied. I was joking - we started shooting a couple years earlier - but that is what I said.

All of Our Founding Fathers who signed The Declaration of Independence had sufficiently many testicles to do so with their real names. They all knew that if they were caught by the British, they would not just be spending some time in the slammer, theybwould be swinging from a noose for treason.

Comment Hacktivism is Civil Disobedience (Score 4, Insightful) 254

That Shawn guy is all huffy because Anonymous and LulzSec break the law, as if legitimate political protest is on the same level as robbery or mindless vandalism.

During the Civil Rights Movement some white clergymen published an open letter thatvwhile ostensibly supporting equal rights for blacks, urged them to comply with The Whie Mans law during their protests, for example by not shutting down entire cities for days on end.

While spending some time in the slammer, The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior wrote "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" on a few scraps of paper that he begged from the jailer, in which he said "One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."


I regard that letter as King's most important written work.

My colleagues at Kuro5hin fault me for not being a Team Player because I regard raising Hell as the greatest contribution I can make to society. We would all be better off if there were fewer Team Players not more of them. Consider what happened when the "Guter Deutschers" - that was the German word for Team Player back in the day - failed to heed the dictates of their consciences and so encouraged Hitler's rise to power.

If you are not up to Hacktivism, don't just politely hand out some leaflets when you protest in meatspace. No, get yourself hauled off to jail by shutting down the entire business district of a city.

Comment How You Can Hacktivistically Defeat SOPA (Score 4, Informative) 254

Introduce your friends and family to The Onion Router.

Set up a Tor node yourself. Amazon will provide an entry level EC3 host to anyone free of charge for a year.

Register a domain that is not under US control and so cannot be taken from you by the Feds. .is looks good - Iceland.

Mirror some Samizdat at PRQ AB of Sweden. They have a full time legal staff to defend their customers against takedown orders. you can host anonymously and pay them with anonymous money orders.

Comment Patentable inventions must be novel and unobvoius (Score 2, Insightful) 314

I would hardly say that turning phone numbers into hyperlinks qualifies as novel and unobvoius.

A real problem is that fiendishly expensive lawsuits are required to overturn patents. we would be much better off if just anyone could point out prior art that would get the patent office to overturn patents that aren't really novelmor unobvious.

the patent examiner who decides the unobvious part really should be an expert in the given technology. had some examiner ever studied the most elementary graphics, they never would have granted a patent for the XOR cursor.

Comment Such as inventing Ogg Vorbis, which is better than (Score 1) 314


I agree that the patent system is broken because patents are granted for frivolous claims such as XOR cursors.

But to the extent that inventions really are novel and unobvious, and the claims non frivolous, continuously reinventing the wheel is really what we want. if we never reinvented wheels, we would still be rolling things around on the trunks of fallen trees.

Further I do not agree that software should be exempt from patents for the reason that the patent office gave, that software is an inherently mathematical concept. Anyone who does not agree that software is just as mechanical as an automobile engine has never written any code.

Comment Heh. Now That's Really Funny. Thanks for the Tip! (Score 1) 29

WGet is chugging away even when I speak. I'm gonna have to cough up for more storage.

Here is an SEO tips for y'all. I didn't discover it, but I stumbled across it just now:

placing the terms "index of", "parent directory", "name", "last modified", "size" and "description" on your web pages is a real good way to attract visitors.

I wasn't able to turn up any actual Apache directory listings for Penthouse Pet of the Year Corinne Alphen. They were all your typical pr0n site that not only weren't presenting directory listings, but none of the sites I looked at had any photos of her, scantily clad or otherwise.

Directory listings for well-known models though, turned right up.

Comment No, Really I Am Absolutely Serious (Score 0) 29

The problem I've got is that searches with Google and the like turn up a lot of junk that I'm not looking for, with the file search engines like FilesTube simply ignoring the numeric years specified in my search queries.

What I want to do is find PDF files of specific issues (Month and Year combinations) of certain magazine titles. But when I try these searches, the results contain a lot of years that I had not specified, with the year I did specify not falling anywhere in the resulting pages.

There are all kinds of ways I could use a regular expression to turn up the download sites for every magazine I want to find, but to the best of my knowledge none of the currently available search engines can take regular expressions. For example a copy of an old magazine that is available for download will typically be labeled with the file size, so I could include "[0-9]* *[Mm][Bb]" in my query. That would distinguish magazines available for download from those that are merely discussed online.

Just last night I sat up all night long looking for old magazines, only to turn up two from the era of my interest. There is no end to the pr0n that is available online, but I don't find most of it at all interesting anymore. What I do find interesting is my goal of completely recovering the magazine collection that my ex demanded that I pitch before she would agree to come visit me for the first time.

Comment The models in that mag were all over 18 (Score -1, Troll) 29

Nothing to do with necrophilia, but that was the first time that I ever learned that erotica could be presented in written form. I was heavily into that stuff throughout my teenage years:

"Dear Pentouse, I Never Thought It Could Happen To Me. I was hanging out at /. when one of the rare lady Slashbots moderated me up to +5, Erect."

Comment Hot Damn! Now I Can Find All The Pr0n Of My Misspe (Score -1, Offtopic) 29

-nt Youth!

It's not hard at all to find PDFs of recently published Magazines of Ill Repute, but because what is for little boys and little girls is just an implicit fascination became an explicit one for me in 1976, the magazines that taught me about what awaited me at The Promised Land are very hard to find.

One can generally find videos as what are called The Classics are now available on DVD and sometimes even on Blu-ray, but Classic Magazines require manual scanning.

If any of you guys happens to own a copy of the February 1976 Club Magazine USA, I would really like to someday finish reading a short story in which some guy in full SCUBA gear makes love to a rapturously beautiful semitransparent female ghost. I was once a diver myself, and still have my NAUI Open Water Card, but never in my life have I found a wetsuit that was equipped for quite that same kind of diving.

Comment My ex had the appalling idea (Score 1) 417

that I would hand over to her my most valuable domain name to her in rerun for her packing up my stuff.

She wanted my domain because she gets the ad revenue from just one very popular article there, and had the idea that I had changed the password to prevent her from maintaining the article.

I did nothing of the sort. I told her I would be happy to remind her of the password that she and I agreed upon so it would be easy for both of us to remember.

but I was not willing to send it to her in cleartext email because of The Russian Mob. I suggested she call me instead. that phone call would last less than thirty seconds.

She refuses to call or to figure out how to use encryption. instead she is spreading lies about me.

I guess that makes me a High Priest of IT.

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