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Comment Re:Weekly/Monthly Salary (Score 2) 1103

My point is that at some point, people are responsible for their own decisions and their own positions in life.

Let 'em burn, eh?

No penny for the guy, eh?

I hope you find your Ayn Randian paradise soon (but make sure it is far, far away, please!)

Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow-men. — Mahatma Gandhi

Comment Grasshopper, you must learn from your elders! (Score 1) 572

I have a simple solution: Follow me around for a day (and a night).

Watch when the new guy gets ignored by his team members and forgets that Google exists so he comes to us expecting days of basic training on how to do his job.

Never answer a question directly. Require your Padawan to ALWAYS ASK THE DUCK before they bother you. If the duck can't answer the question, then it is okay to ask you. If you don't know the answer, then YOU need to ask the duck. Learn this lesson, you must.

Comment Wrong (Score 1) 82

If something is too expensive then "DON'T BUY IT". by pirating it you only give them an excuse to provide more lockdowns and inflate the price more.

Game of Thrones pirated; HBO doesn't mind.

Also, those media companies are run by Techno-Luddites who couldn't manage their way out of a wet paper sack with a flashlight and a jackhammer, so no wonder they don't understand how to watch shows on teh intertubes without a cable subscription.

People pirate because it is easier than being legit. If it was easier to pay, many would.

Comment Re:Efficient? Never in a LBO. (Score 1) 49

I applied to BMG a few years ago. Thank dog I didn't get the job (they weren't "ready" to hire, but were "ready" to interview)...

And now all those people will be on the street in a few-18 months.


Better check my 401k and make sure none of it holds NASDAQ:BMC. That thing is going to drop like a rock.

Comment Hardly (Score 1) 658

Your (and Adobe's) scheme rests upon the misconception that everyone wants the latest and greatest everything.

I have CS6. If they came out with CS7, I'd probably wait a year (or longer) before buying it, because CS6 does everything I need.

Another thing companies like Adobe forget (Microsoft STILL hasn't learned) is that UI changes SUCK for the end user. I am at maximum productivity and you want to mess up my nuts-n-bolts memory (of how to use the software)? Fark you.

I used to use GIMP exclusively. I could probably switch back and get 90% of everything I need. That last 10% would be painful to give up, but I suppose I could learn to do without. So, I'll keep running CS6 until I can't install it anymore (Hello, Poser!) and then move to Gimp.

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C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas l'Informatique. -- Bosquet [on seeing the IBM 4341]
