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Comment Re:Most qualified and motivated candidates? (Score -1, Troll) 435

So why is there such a disparity between Google & Yahoo's female proportions? Seriously, none of this shit passes the smell test. Women don't want to do this. Black people don't like doing that. It's utter bullshit from top to bottom. It's not nice to admit there is a massive fucking problem here but the first step really is admitting it.

Comment Re:Most qualified and motivated candidates? (Score -1, Troll) 435

If you say the most qualified get jobs, and the jobs are going to men, then the women most be less qualified. No? All I am asking is for you to back that statement up: either show women are underqualified/less motivated. The alternative is that job allocation is actually not 100% meritocratic.

Comment Re:Is it really about "art"? (Score 1) 121

I'm British. We don't subsidise as heavily as heavily as some European countries and we have much more mixed funding, but I'm still not keen on cultural subsidy. Not least because it picks winners and losers - traditional music? Screw you, here's a few million quid for opera. Broad based subsidy via tax law is one thing but throwing millions at 17th century art music sticks in my craw.

Comment Re:Is it really about "art"? (Score 1) 121

This is not a case of dispensing with the musicians to make money, this is about staging opera in a time and place where there is no way you could afford to produce a full scale production. And it's not like the avant garde of opera isn't already neck deep in digital production anyway; the ENO has produced stuff like Sunken Garden which integrated orchestra and digital music throughout, and done it brilliantly (from a technical point of view; the show itself was dross).

Comment Re:Would the government auction off Euros? (Score 1) 232

Doesn't really matter whether it's a day or two weeks. It's still supply way in excess of normal demand. Yes, if they dripped them out over the course of a year or longer it would have minimal market impact but the government -rightly - doesn't want to get involved in these things. They want them off their hands, period.

Comment Re: Progenitors? (Score 1) 686

One very important point to make is that just because we consider ourselves to be the top of the tree of life doesn't mean that that's so in any meaningful sense. This planet's amoebas are far more successful than we are by number of individuals, biomass, etc. Frankly there seems to be very little selective pressure to evolve intelligence and the fact that we did so may have been something of an outlier. Perhaps life is common but brains are not.

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