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Comment Re:What's best (Score 1) 411

Aw, you must be one of the lusers who click Yes to the install the Fake Antivirus message which just makes a mess of your machine. Which you then further compound by uninstalling the legit antivirus, infecting the rest of the network. I've learned from experience. It is the luser who insists they need admin privileges who creates most of the problems in a corporate environment.

Comment Re:LaTeX (Score 1) 642

I totally agree about all of the other broken stuff. Especially Access. I have on numerous times tried to use Base (or whatever the db component is called) but each and every time I've gone back to using Access. The number one failure is the report writer component of Base. I've used the Sun add-in, but it just doesn't cut it. When I go to the forums to explain what has prevented me from using LO on a regular basis, I get beaten down that I should move on and code it in a more serious language and db. I shouldn't even bother looking at Base. The whole point of Access and tools like that, is to provide a very quick way of performing small db tasks. I don't need a full development for such tasks, just an easy way to manipulate data. We work in an information economy, and the actual cost of Office Pro is negligible compared to not being able to perform these tasks. So in most cases, I just go back to using Office and Access for my day to day tasks.

Comment Re:I don't think Chrome has Google "locked in" (Score 1) 248

Only until the next time you upgrade your machine. I have deleted the Bing search and set Google to be the default, yet Bing keeps getting reinstalled and set as the default for all my users every time there is an update to IE. This keeps confusing a great deal of my users due to the fact that Bing doesn't even come close to giving good results as google does.

Comment Re:err (Score 1) 235

You just suck at hiring. If you take on faith what a candidate told you, then you deserve what you get. There are ways of deducing a potential candidate's programming skill, reducing the your so called "risk". It's akin to me saying OK, I want to bid on that car, but first I want my mechanic to look under the hood.

The reality is that the managers want a cheap exploitable programming resource, which they get by exploiting the 20 somethings, but complain when the same 20 somethings move on because they no longer want to be exploited. There are many older capable programmers, but most of the same managers won't touch them with a 10 foot pole because they want more money, and are no longer exploitable working 80 hour weeks.

Comment Re:I applaud Microsoft their tenacity. (Score 1) 519

You are totally clueless. Half of all medical sites that doctors must use, force them to use IE. Even the US govt web sites (such as Medicare and Medicaid) require IE. When I asked one of the technical support people for a e-prescription web site, why they don't support any other browser, he told me that Microsoft pays them a ton of money to keep the site IE accessible only. I've been trying to promote Firefox use in doctors offices but most of these sites refuse to work properly with IETAB. Trying to get doctors and their staff to use IE just for these sites and Firefox for the rest is an excercise in futility. Microsoft is playing dirty tricks and now that the DOJ monitoring is over, we are going to lose any independent gains we have made over the last 10 years.

Comment Re:Chrome (Score 5, Insightful) 585

What are you talking about? They are highly anti-enterprise. Where is a formal msi of Firefox that I can deploy with group policy? How about settings that I can control through said group policy? I can control any aspect of IE through group policies. Why can't I do the same with Firefox? And no, FrontMotion doesn't cut it. I've experienced this time and time again. I'm going through this now with Firefox 7.0. Frontmotion only offers 6.0.2. I've turned off automatic updates, and yet first thing of every day since 7.0 has been released my users are getting messages that their browser is obsolete and needs to be upgraded. These users are locked down, don't have admin priveledges, and can't upgrade their browser. Yet Firefox keeps demanding to be upgraded, and I can't because there is no formal 7.0 msi. I now have to spend my own time building my own msi, just because the Mozilla organization refuses to do this. They ignore the pleas of Windows administrators who are requesting this option, and yet they are amazed when they start losing market share. For my money, I've started ripping out Firefox and rolling out Chrome instead, because I'm tired of these stupid games.

Comment Re:Impact on jobs? (Score 5, Informative) 140

That's because the Repubs have been paid off by the big boys. They no longer represent you or me, they really represent corporate interests which have been bought out by all of that lobbyist money. They even managed to modify lobbying and financing laws to allow international companies to buy them off. To see how bad "your" representative has been bought off go here

Comment Re:Yes, the EPA (Score 1) 303

I guess you haven't been following the rulings by SCOTUS. This has been the most atrocious court in our entire history. Let me sum it up for you on how they vote.

Company vs people, company wins
Government vs people, government wins
Company vs government, company wins.

Suing the EPA is just a useless exercise.

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I go on working for the same reason a hen goes on laying eggs. -- H.L. Mencken
