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Comment Re:Republicans are Flat-Earth Economists (Score 2, Informative) 658

holy shit. You actually believe that, don't you?

Yes, he does believe it and so do I. We've had 8 years of "tax cuts are how you stimulate the economy" and look where we are. But the Republicans continue to oppose the opposite tack as if it's not worth trying. Our schools are foundering. Our internet is slower than any other developed nation. Yet Republicans forced spending on both of those VERY NEEDY PROGRAMS to be cut from this bill. Both would be the epitome of economic stimulus but Republicans are obstructionists yet again. It's simply true. So yes, we believe it. Funny how that works.

You sound you are quoting an Obama campaign speech, everything bad about the economy now is because of Bush and repulicans, no need to back up that argument, just because it happened during his watch everything he ever pushed for is automatically wrong. Correlation doesn't imply causation and all that, and MOST of his time in office the economy was doing very well.

What the crap does high speed internet have to do with fixing the economy? I'm assume you read an earlier article on slashdot, the reason we don't have high speed everywhere in the US is because ... people don't really want it that bad. Cell towers popped up everywhere because people did want that technology, but high speed internet they could live without. Some people are not interested in pet projects being pushed just because there's a crisis.

Comment Re:Republicans are Flat-Earth Economists (Score 1) 658

"Bipartisanship" isn't useful in this context, because one party is working from macroeconomic theory and reason, and the other party is working from the ideological mantra of "Spending Bad. Tax Cuts Good." To the Congressional Republicans, things like school construction won't result in jobs for construction workers: apparently magic pixies will simply drop the new schools out of the sky in exchange for our money.

President Obama needs to realize that it's the U.S. Congress, not the Snuggle-Senate, and beat some heads together to get good policy through. The $800b he proposed was too small to begin with, and all of these cuts make it more likely that we're not going to have enough stimulus to do anything useful.

It's funny how most of those items on that page were going to do very little to help the economy (the purpose of the bill), and you pick up on the one thing which may have been useful, school construction, don't address if its really the BEST way of using tax payer dollars to stimulate the economy, and point out that on ideological grounds schools we need new/better schools, yes ok, but why is this the best bill to do it in? That's the kind of thinking which got all of these ideologically based items in a stimulus bill in the first place. All the cuts in the article seems to suggest, at least to me, the exact opposite of what you concluding, it sounds as if compromise between parties is causing a stricter look at what is actually being funded to HELP the economy, and not make a crisis an excuse to give congress a blank check to fund every problem they care about. These magic pixies you mentioned are they going to pay off this check too?

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