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Comment Re:Simple (Score 2) 509

I'm not sure that the blatant misogyny in the joke here is worthy of anything higher than a -1: Flaimbait, but really: if you can completely automate production of every single thing that people depend on for their day-to-day lives: food, drinking water, medicine, and shelter: what's left?

Sure. Sure. Art, science, human progress. We're never going to give those up. Taking care of your own home and family would be the one obligation that would remain as a personal duty(yes, regardless of gender).

It's not yet, but at some point we're going to have to assess our work-ethic culture with the inevitable collision with technological progress.

You consider suggesting she learn to be a homemaker to be misogynist?

It's an important and fulfilling role, more important than ever in a world full of fucked up little bastards, deserving of your respect. It's you that is the misogynist for suggesting that only a persecuted woman would choose such a task. Just because a homemaker isn't producing something for you personally in exchange for your money doesn't mean what she does isn't of vital importance to us all.

You suggest she'd be most useful as a modern jester for your amusement. That's a pretty horrible thing to say. You're a real piece of work.

Comment Re: Cell Phone = National ID (Score 3, Interesting) 107

Am I the only one who thinks this is cool as hell, and wants this made open access for all?

Why is it ALWAYS with the fear mongering about the privacy you already don't have, and no one ever talks about the better decisions we could be making if everyone knew what the elite already know?

Sensor networks are interesting for their potential to tell us things we'd never think to ask. About ourselves.

Quit trying to hide like cowards and chase the power to watch the watchers, you mis'rble bastards!

Comment Re: This should be interesting... (Score 3, Interesting) 100

Challenge Accepted!!

They want to allow people to be reassured that they have "enough" privacy by giving them tools that will protect them from other end users learning their secrets, whatever they've decided those secrets should be.

Their saleable advantage is that they can let people manipulate you. They've been using mass analysis of mail as a way to better do that since their mail services were invite only.

They want you to be satisfied with them not just invading your privacy, not just manipulating you with what they learn, but manipulating you for anyone who wants to pay.

But don't worry, your data is secure in transit!

Comment Re: I believe it because.. (Score 1) 291

Saving money for a rainy day is hard. Giving everything you have and will have to your kids is easy. Wasteful greed is an immature trait that is not lost at 5, 16, 25 or 60. It's lost after you become a parent. People who don't have children ARE NOT ADULTS, ever. Irresponsible to count their vote as though they were.

Comment Re: Well... (Score 1) 493

Let me be the first.

I don't trust the medical industry. They sell things that are harmful. They promote things that are non optimal because the optimal choice is generic. They publish non replicable research most of the time to promote their careers. They hide mistakes with out of court settlements and non disclosure agreements. They cut corners to drive up profits. They serve money, which means serving the interests of the aging boomer population, whose interests conflict with mine. And, they are wrong all the fucking time.

I trust them to treat a critical situation when they're the best available option at that time, using tried and true methods. I don't trust them to inject drugs containing heavy metals and viruses into the whole population for x dollars a pop.

Some guy was ranting about getting a pound of flesh from people who don't vaccine. The problem is attributable to excessive population density, allowing the diseases to spread more rapidly than they sicken, and preventing people from avoiding the ill. Wanna keep concentrating in cities, using industrial farming and wasting ridiculous amounts of energy, despite all the warnings? That's OK. There's a disease for that.

Comment Re: I believe it because.. (Score 1) 291

Hear, hear

I believe it because I had it, loved it, had it taken from me, long for it, hate the person I become without it, and wish I could wreck terrible vengeance on everyone who participates in the vile social system that thought it acceptable to take it from me.

I used to be such a nice guy to be around...

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