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Comment Re:or stop hiding... (Score 5, Insightful) 377

Yes, but the reason he's there is that the UK seemed to be about to extradite him to Sweden. He was quite happy living in the UK so long as it didn't mean going to Sweden.

It's the fatal flaw in dear old Julian's argument: He's worried about the Americans getting hold of him, so he'd rather stay in the UK where extradition to the US is easy, rather than go to Sweden where extradition to the US is much harder. Or maybe there's another reason....

What that other reason is is hard to tell, exactly. It might be that he is genuinely guilty-as-not-yet-charged in Sweden. Or it could just as easily be that he has an enormous ego, a superiority complex and a highly-developed paranoia that makes him see persecution in everything, whether it looks plausible to a sane person or not.

Comment Re:My Toyota has had this since 2004... (Score 1) 151

I sort of doubt Android phones have any useful sort of dead reckoning. My experience of playing around with accelerometers on phones is that they can tell you roughly which way is up and can detect sharp shakes or jolts and that is all. Attempting to integrate the results over any period of more than about a second results in drift so bad it is useless.

Comment Not the whole story (Score 5, Insightful) 139

I've seen pretty convincing analysis today showing that, when you take the tax benefits of the deal and Motorola's cash position into account, Google is about $1bn to the good out of the deal, and it's retaining the patents. So it has bought a loss-making company for $12bn, broken it up into bits it can sell for around $5bn, got $3bn cash out of it, and about $6bn off its tax bill over the next six years, while gaining a large and important patent portfolio. Doesn't look look like a loss to me.

Comment Re:Somehow fitting (Score 2) 259

A lot of people don't understand that the less they give as customers, the less they'll receive as employees.

Which is, of course, why we're all much worse off now than when the industrial revolution started. Back then it was the machines making goods cheaper than the people could. Of course people would buy the cheaper goods made by machine, not realising they were sowing the seeds of their own economic destruction. The less they gave as customers, the less they received as employees!

Honestly, can we drop this tosh now? Another way of saying the same thing is, "The more expensive everything is, the more you'll be able to buy!" It is obvious nonsense.

Comment How? Dear God, how? (Score 3, Insightful) 375

I make no comment on idiots posting ignorant tosh when they bloody well should know better if they've ever eg. seen a fish and wondered how it breathes.

But how the fucking hell did this get modded insightful?

I mean, I could understand interesting. After all, morons can be interesting if their stupidity reaches the right sort of rarefied heights. They become a curiosity and we can peer at them through the bars of the cage and be reassured that, no matter what we've done to the world and each other, nature can still have its way and throw up the sort of laughable dunce who really ought to have entered the Darwin award nominations long ago. We can meditate on the extreme tail of any probability distribution that keeps such a person alive for this long and reflect that life is like a box of chocolates.

But insightful? I can only suppose that we are meant to learn that no moderation system is perfect and the award of mod points does not automatically bestow wisdom.

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