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Comment Re:Just wait. (Score 1) 764

I found that one to be a weak example. The kiss was coerced.
ST's most acclaimed stories have historically pulled their punches. The sparse attention to the problem of drug addiction that eventually made it to the screen in "City on the Edge of Forever" is the canonical example of this.

In a science fiction / fantasy setting, ST had much more opportunity to explore social issues openly in the plot, without wishy-washy excuses to the easily offended.
"Well, Kirk was forced into it. He wasn't really into black chicks. Every other object in the universe with a hole at the bottom of it is in his gunsights. Including other crewmembers who directly reported to him. But not Uhura."

What they did was great, but they could have done so much better. Then and now.

Oh, and the last movie sucked. Genocide --without so much as a tear shed. Oops--no more Vulcans. Well, better get on with business. Got a lot of rebuilding to do. Or, maybe (again) they're trying to tell us something about what we're doing right now...

Comment It's not a railgun; it's a linear motor (Score 1) 314

I would expect a typical steam catapult to be WAY more reliable and maintainable than a linear motor.

I worked with a couple of them in an auto plant over a decade ago. Its job was to shuffle 3 tooling skids around among 3 robot station and one operator load station.

The design needed linear motors so the skids could travel uncoupled. The sequence of motion would have wound up any permanently attached cords or linkages in about 1/2 cycle.

The tools were clearly labeled with official signage as "TFH North" and "TFH South". It was only after working there for several months that I actually heard their real name.

"TFH" stood for "Tool from Hell". They were replaced with a different design next time I worked in that plant.

It's a neat trick and if they can get some benefit out if it, maybe it can be useful.

Comment I used to play Star Trek on a Decwriter (Score 2, Informative) 77

I think it was actually called Star Trek at the time, but at some point, people started calling it "Space War".
We had eliza, and dungeon, too, and a chat program called "connect".
Once the connect fans had a party in the basement of one of the dorms, because they had really nice computer equipment. VT50s.
They all sat at their terminals and "chat"ted with each other. While in the same room.

Comment Opt-out voting? (Score 1) 794

For that reason, a person may not want to have their fingers linger too long on the screen after they make a selection at any time

They admit the machine will record an erroneous selection (vote) if a user (voter) leaves their fingers on the screen after a previous selection.
For something critical to the function of the system (both the voting machine and the democracy), "people are pressing the buttons wrong" is NOT acceptable.

Comment Hah. They lied. FTA: (Score 1) 576

While the EPA hasn't rated 2011 cars for gas mileage yet, Mazda expects it to come in at 28 mpg city, 35 mpg highway with the five-speed manual, and 1 mpg less on highway mileage with the automatic.

Not even close to what we got over a decade ago.
WTF happened? Environmental restrictions?
I have to get my car smogged every 2 years in the county where I live. It passes first time every time.
What's the problem with the new cars?

Comment It's about damned time. (Score 1) 576

I've got a 1998 Nissan 200SX in the garage right now.
This was the cheap POS Nissan at the time--more of a student's car than a smugmobile.
40MPG without even trying, and I can get 42 out of it if I keep the speed down and coast a lot.
WHY, 13 years later, do I have to pay $40K for a giant toxic battery that will wear out after 5 years in order to get the same damned mileage I already get?

I don't believe the 70MPG claim. If they made a car where trip odometer / gas pump number = 70 every time, they'd tell us it was a hundred. If the damned thing gets fifty, that's an improvement.

I could give a shit about the super duper pooper scooper engine. Is it functional and durable? Safe and effective?
The rest is lies from managers and salesmen.

Sure--I'll buy one. After they've been out for a year or two and we see what's the truth and what's a lie.
And definitely not before the wheels fall off of the Nissan.

Hardware Hacking

A 3D Lego Fabricator Made of Lego 87

eldavojohn writes "Making a Lego printer is pretty cool if you've never seen The LegoMakerBot. The creator has instructions on his site on how to make (out of Lego bricks) a machine that 'prints' Lego models — much like a 3D fabrication machine — after you model them in MLCad. The sped up video is nothing short of impressive."

Comment Whiny entitled brats vs. lying thieving brats (Score 1) 454

This is the scene I see when I hear stories like this:

When I was about nine, my parents took me with them to visit friends.
Their friends had a son my age and little girl, about 5 years old, who was quite simply an ill-behaved brat.
Her brother and I caught her in the kitchen eating a bowl of chocolate frosting.
So, we (the slightly older, and no less ill-behaved brats) smugly trotted her over to our folks.

Little sister stood there, smeared from head to foot in chocolate frosting and denied everything.
Her mom gave her a bath and changed her clothes then made a new batch of frosting.
Our parents could have given a shit about her brother's and my "helpful" revelation of his sister's activities.
Looking back on it, I can see they were pretty fed up with EVERYONE involved.

Comment Connectivity is supposed to bring us closer (Score 1) 554

And it does.
All I'm seeing here is that your online reputation is visible to anybody you're likely to meet.
As long as accountability and reputation work in a vaguely consistent manner, the potential for abuse is reduced.

The companies you're worried about not hiring you are subject penalties enforced by reputation, too:
"Don't go work for Evilbastards Inc.; you can do much better here."
"Don't accept any contract except T&M for Passthebuck, Ltd., bill them net14, and walk off the job when they miss the first check."
"If you take a PO from Mortgagedtothehilt, LLC; make them prepay."

Welcome back to the small town.

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