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Comment Did this 3 years ago. (Score 1) 424

3 years ago I was dropped into a very similar position at a small state agency.
I had some documentation, a server names list, passwords, and licenses lists. I first addressed the issues with desktops, and shored up the servers. What probably saved my sanity was I was tasked with moving most of our servers to a VM environment, and could setup things in a documented manner.

Comment Emmit Walsh (Capt Bryant) is dead - so sequel... (Score 1) 288

I cant see a credible prequel without Emmit Walsh. I would prefer a sequel with Gaffe as the new Captain of the Blade Runner unit, and somehow have the movie center around the replicant soldiers like Roy Batty, and Jason Scott Lee from Soldier. Maybe make it a meditation on their quest for rights beyond slave labor, and cannon fodder.

Comment This is what should happen... (Score 5, Insightful) 390

Coleman -
Give it back - sure you saved it and restored the plaque, but its a moon rock it belongs to the public.

State of Alaska -
Thank him for safe keeping a state treasure,
Display the Rock in a museum, and include the message of thanks to Coleman for keeping what you thought was junk, but was also historically valuable.
make sure you never loose this thing again.

All sides drop all lawsuits.

Everyone move on.

Comment Let the Free market decide! (Score 1) 259

So the AT&T system would cost an additional 6 million dollars, and cost schools, and public libraries approximately 4X as much. A forward thinking Republican should propose we (i live in WI) invest in WiscNet to make it the data connection the entire state government uses - after all wouldn't the threat of a significant loss in sales force a private entity to become more competitive?

Comment Whats the need? (Score 1) 140

Email, and most other forms of communication can be handled by a smartphone. With my iPhone i can make a VPN connection to my work, and launch an RDP client to do work straight from my phone, its not the most fluid way of getting stuff done, but an emergency password reset, or something along those lines is accomplished easily enough.

Comment This casual console gamer says, eh... (Score 1) 287

...I'll upgrade eventually, if they want my coin quicker it will need to output to HDMI, and even then I will probably wait for the first price break. I don't game like i used to so it works for me at this point.

If I had one complaint - its more directed at EA Sports - I would like to use the classic controllers on Madden.

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