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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 32 declined, 18 accepted (50 total, 36.00% accepted)

United States

Submission + - Cindy Sheehan resigns as face of anti-war movement

caffiend666 writes: "Memorial Day, Cindy Sheehan resigned as the face of the American anti-war movement. According to her blog, '... when I started to hold the Democratic Party to the same standards that I held the Republican Party, support for my cause started to erode.... This is not my "Checkers" moment, because I will never give up trying to help people... but I am finished working in, or outside of this sytem'. Even as a Republican who supported the war, here is to a courageous woman who deserves to be considered a hero and wished well."

Submission + - Remains of James Doohan lost after landing

caffiend666 writes: "According to a news article the cremated remains of 200 people were lost in mountains after trip to space. 'The search for the UP Aerospace payload of experiments and the cremated remains of some 200 people — including "Scotty" of Star Trek fame, as well as pioneeering NASA Mercury astronaut, Gordon Cooper — continues within rugged New Mexico mountain landscape.' Is it just me, or does it appropriate that they lost the landing party? He wasn't wearing a red shirt, was he? Here's to a safe recovery!"

Submission + - Police objecting to tickets from red-light cameras

caffiend666 writes: "According to this Dallas Morning New article, any "...Dallas police officer in a marked squad car who is captured on the city's cameras running a red light will have to pay the $75 fine if the incident doesn't comply with state law... Many police officers are angry about the proposed policy. The prevailing belief among officers has been that they can run red lights as they see fit." How is this a case for or against governments relying on un-biased automated systems? Or, should anyone be able to control who is recorded on camera and who is held accountable?"

Submission + - NASA signs memorandum of understanding with Virgin

caffiend666 writes: "Tuesday, NASA signed a memorandum of understanding with Virgin Galactic. Although not a partnership, it is interesting to see NASA work with even more private spaceflight companies. The cryptic agreement includes that 'The memorandum is only a framework to explore potential collaborations. It does not include training of NASA astronauts, an agreement to buy seats on a Virgin Galactic flight, or provision of technical advice by NASA to Virgin Galactic.'"

Submission + - Hiring non-developer/administrator technical jobs

caffiend666 writes: The company I am working for is looking for computer proficient people who are not administrators or developers. We need people with SQL skills, Unix Skills, and basic debugging capabilities to monitor and do basic debugging on automated processes, but who do not expect to be developers on this legacy system. Not only are they not paid to be developers, they also will get bored quickly. And, we are forbidden to retain contractors for greater than a year, so we expect people to be proficient when they start because of their short job spans. How do you hire nearly entry level people when you don't have time to train them? There are lots of technical job boards, but all of them are biased towards tier-3 people and independent contributors. Not the very specific tier-2 people like we are looking for. Any ideas?

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