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Comment Screw AT&T! (Score 1) 187

Bastards want to charge me a - get this - $450 NONREFUNDABLE "credit fee" for my new Uverse service because I'm a bad credit risk!

Well, guess what, AT&T! You can cancel my new service installation. I'll get a new phone line from you (with a $50 prepay ALSO because of being a "credit risk"), then I'll get Earthlink or DSLExtreme or whoever presumably won't be trying to extort another $450 from me.

AT&T - still the most corrupt corporation in the universe (next to Microsoft, of course).

Comment WTF? (Score 1) 347

This guy is too cheap to just install a front panel?

I used to program an RCA 501 using a front panel. Not even a Teletype was attached.

The machine had a grand total of 40K - K, not Meg! - of actual CORE - magnetic CORE - memory! And it weighed about 20,000 pounds.

Young whippersnappers, these days! Nobody wantsa work!

Comment Re:How would you function talking to one of these? (Score 1) 652

Actually, mamy of the women I picked for that list - not ALL of them, I mean hell, Paris Hilton is on the list and she ONLY has looks - were picked because they have not just beauty, but talent and in a number of case, smarts (nobody ever said Jodie Foster was the best looking woman in Hollywood, especially now in her late '40's, but they all pretty much acknowledge she's no dummy - and neither is Ivanka Trump).

There ARE quite a few on the list who are there mostly for looks, I'll admit. But almost all of them have SOME talent, possibly even the models.

And anybody who thinks they all look alike is an idiot. They range the gamut of looks.

As for makeup, almost ALL women wear makeup. Only a geek who's never seen a woman up close without makeup would comment about women wearing makeup. And since most of these women are in entertainment, by definition, to paraphrase the Church of the Subgenius, "Too much makeup is not enough." To quote Julianne Moore (who didn't make the list), "You can never be too pretty."

The only people criticizing these women are misogynist geeks. And every one of these geeks would kill to get their hands on any one of these women - or their ugly sisters.

Comment The problem is advertisers (Score 1) 248

Advertisiers don't care about DVR's because something like forty percent of more of viewers using DVRs fast forward through the ads.

Advertisers care about LIVE viewers sitting in front of the TV screen watching ads.

Go to the Web site which tracks the ratings of TV shows. They have a number of articles explaining how the Neilsen system works and why DVR's and Internet viewing DO NOT matter when it comes to your favorite TV show getting canceled.

Back when Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was on, I wanted to know if the show was going to be canceled, since the quality was going down and I'd heard the ratings were bad. I went over to TV By The Numbers and got an education on how that stuff works. So it was no surprise to me when TSCC got canceled. OTOH, it WAS a surprise when Dollhouse, whose ratings were even worse, got renewed. But the explanation for that is that Fox Studios cut the Dollhouse budget down so substantially that it was not unreasonable for Fox Networks to renew the show. Still, that renewal was close to a miracle for the show.

Robert Seidman and Bill Gorman at TVBTN use the ratings data provided to predict which shows will be canceled and which will be renewed. They are usually on the money as long as extraneous factors don't enter into it, such as a satellite network picking up the tab for a show and other special deals.

They also cover this whole issue of whether Neilsen ratings are accurate and the broadcast industry's reservations about it. Best source of info on the subject.

Comment This is no surprise (Score 1) 241

Chkdsk always ends up eating the machine anyway. You could never do any useful work while it was running, and why would you want to? You're checking the frickin' disk!

The problem we have these days with 1TB hard drives is that ANY check of the hard disk is going to take the better part of a day. The hard drive manufacturers need to come up with on-board diagnostic system that can report results to the BIOS or to their own diagnostic software within a reasonable time frame.

Although I suppose drives are sufficiently cheap now (Toshiba 1TB drives go for $90) that ANY discrepancy in the hard drive warrants replacing the drive. But then, of course, you have to COPY all that data onto the new drive.

Industry needs to start dealing with the time-eating problem of repairing file systems and failing hard drives. Maybe everything needs to be "RAID 5" in some sense - without the multiple disks.

Comment I've just onto Twitter (Score 1) 398

for the last few weeks, so naturally it falls over immediately, like everything else computer-related I get involved in for the last X years...As Woody Allen says, "Nothing works and nobody cares."

I was just tweeting Gavin Bonnar (Sharon Corr's husband) about how he could get more followers than his wife - just offer free concert tickets to anyone who follows him. Instant 5,000 followers! But then I told him he'd then owe her money. LOL

Following celebrities on Twitter is fun. Lisa Rinna once tweeted that she was stuck in traffic and had to pee.

Comment Re:Thank you for the link (Score 1) 554

So I go to register, forgetting that I already registered a couple years ago, so they tell me my email address is already used, and do I want to recover my password.


Fucking, mindless, scum-sucking, fucked up, asshat, brain dead, stupid motherfucking Iraq war cheerleading pieces of SHIT!

Do NOT EVER put another article on this site linking to the fucking shitheads at the New York Times!

Fucking morons.

Comment Morons (Score 2, Insightful) 782

The usual moronic nonsense. As long as the source is available from the developers, it's fine. Charging for the software is also fine according to the GPL. This "spirit of the GPL" crap comes from morons who can't read the license, or from FSF fanatics who want everything to be free as in beer regardless.

As for whether you can download the source from Apple, that's totally irrelevant. As to why you can't compile and distribute the same app via Apple's store, WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE ORIGINAL DEVELOPERS OR THE GPL? Go talk to Apple, you morons.

Morons. Idiots trying to start a flame war because they have nothing better to do with their time - the bane of the OSS movement (not to mention the rest of the world).

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