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Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 246

But yeah the lack of backspace is annoying.

The "delete" on the Mac keyboard is the functional equivalent of the backspace key on a Windows machine.

Are you lamenting the missing Windows-style "del" key which provides forward delete functionality? This is available on a Mac laptop with fn-modified delete, but is also available as a standalone key on Mac keyboards with a numeric keypad.

Comment Re:The most amazing thing about the crypto story (Score 1) 46

The dollar is the strongest of the fiat currencies today, so it will likely be the last one standing. But it is not immune to the whims of politicians' penchant for devaluation, as we are seeing at present. History has shown that dominant state-backed currencies lose their dominance and fade with time.

Comment Re:The most amazing thing about the crypto story (Score 1) 46

State issued currencies that are backed by nothing but the power of the state are inherently corruptible and have always been used to empower the entrenched moneyed interests of the ruling class. The direct beneficiaries of systems built on such currencies are always the cronies of the party in power.

The global elites are actively developing central bank digital currencies with in-built capacity to control what they are used for. This has been plainly stated by leaders at the ECB and BIS, among others. It will be entirely too enticing for the people in power to resist their ability to decide for you what you can buy and how much.

Comment Re:The ironic part is (Score 4, Insightful) 36

You (and everyone else) were born without a job. If you want to live like an animal and scavenge or hunt for your survival until you die, you can do that, but no one is forcing you to opt into the trade relationship that affords you a better living than what a bear in the woods would endure. It's up to you to decide what compensation would coax you out of the woods and into that productive trade relationship. However, you cannot deny that such productive trade relationships exist among cooperating humans for their mutual benefit, despite the existence of some who take advantage.

Comment Nunya bidness (Score 3, Informative) 44

Amendment IV: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Comment Re:In other news (Score 1) 82

Yes. They produce a block based on the latest validated state of the chain and send it to the network for validation and commitment to the chain. They can and do use their own algorithm to do it because that is a potential competitive advantage, but If the block fails the validation in the nodes, they will reject it and it won't propagate to other nodes. So, the miners have to produce blocks that conform to the consensus rules running on the existing network of nodes or they won't get the block reward (subsidy + fees) that they tried to claim in the invalid block.

Comment Re:In other news (Score 1) 82

Why would anyone outside the UK participate in this fraud? There aren't any major miners in the UK, AFAIK, and miners don't validate the rules of the chain. That's up to the nodes as proven in 2017 with the block size wars.

A major miner indicated a few years ago it was going to report on OFAC-compliant blocks. The idea was quickly scuttled as a result of the backlash, so that's not likely to happen in the future.

If any miner, big or small, mined one of the blocks for the new chain that was not compliant with the old software, it would not be accepted by the nodes. The miner would be wasting its money and energy, so that would not be not in its economic interest.

As for what would happen if the large miners shutdown, the bitcoin network has experienced events like that. Notably, something like 50% of the hash power was shut down in China when it banned mining and trading in 2021. The miners moved to America and the network adjusted. There's no reason something similar wouldn't happen again.

Miners operate as economic actors in their self interest. They are not going to self-sabotage.

Comment Re:In other news (Score 1) 82

He already has his own project where this ownership model is implemented. No exchanges carry the coin and the only ones trading it are his financial backers who are just manipulating the price to keep it at about 0.1% of bitcoin. The miners and nodes are essentially all owned by a single entity, as well.

The backers who are funding his scam lawsuits would be the only ones to pay for his faketoshi coins. They really should just end the lawsuits and pay him directly because they have already lost quite a lot of money on the scheme.

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