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Submission + - RIAA must turn over attorney billing records

An anonymous reader writes: Usually most people settle with the RIAA for a few thousand dollars, but Debbie took the case to court and asked for the RIAA to produce records of what files she supposedly downloaded, along with the dates of the downloads. The RIAA couldn't produce the records and offered to withdraw the case. Now here is where it gets interesting, Debbie asked to be awarded reasonable attorneys fees for her ordeal and submitted her expenses to the court. The RIAA argued that the mother was asking for too much, to which the judge basically said, "Well if you think her fees are too much, show me yours."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Female Gamers have More Sex

An anonymous reader writes: A Belgian research firm found that girls who never play computer games have less sex than girls who do play games on their PC or gaming consoles. Breeze says the girls who do play games have sex 4.3 times a week, while the girls who never play games only go to bed 3.2 times a week.

Submission + - Congress Wants ISPs to Log Your Online Life

walmartshopper67 writes: "Crooks and Liars is reporting that Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX) has introduced a bill that would require ISPs to "record all users' surfing activity, IM conversations and email traffic indefinitely". The bill would impose heavy fines and jail time on ISPs that do not save the required information. Not that this will pass, but come on, how can anyone think this is a good idea?"

Submission + - Scientists increasingly sure about global warming

Marcika writes: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the authoritative scientist group on global warming, published a new report on Friday (Financial Times article). Conclusions: The likely rise in sea levels can be quantified more accurately between about 28cm and 43cm (2001 predictions gave a range from 9cm to 88cm). The arctic ice cap is likely to melt, but the Antarctic ice shield is safe due to increased precipitation. The panel thinks that it is 90% certain that human action is shaping the climate, up from 50% 6 years ago. Even before publication, scientists warn that the report is too optimistic (NY Times article).

Universal Music Sues MySpace 116

Grooves writes "Universal Music is suing MySpace for copyright infringement. Universal threatened to sue YouTube before the Google acquisition was announced, so now it looks like they have moved on to the next target. Ars speculates that Universal is really after a piece of the action. 'On the morning of the Google-YouTube deal, Universal — along with Sony BMG and CBS — signed a licensing agreement with YouTube. If MySpace were to sign a similar agreement with the label, there is little doubt that the lawsuit would disappear.'"

Google "Office" Released 394

pumpknhd writes "Looks like Google has finally integrated Writely and spreadsheets into Google "Docs & Spreadsheets". now redirects to this new location. The design has also changed to match the look of other Google services." The more "applications" I try forcing into a tabbed web MDI model under a Mac, the more clumsy it gets. They aren't in my Dock, they can't be apple-tabbed through. Issues like this really frustrate me as I find myself wanting to use more web2.0 ajaxy fancy pants programs.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Moved journal

I moved my journal over to Decided to learn Ruby on Rails so setting up typo (which is based on RoR) was a good way to test deployment. Hope you will all join me there.

Teenage Blogger Finds Gmail Hole 268

cpm80 wrote to mention the news that a 14 year old blogger has identified a security hole in the Gmail webmail service. From the Network World article: "He wrote that he was trying to e-mail JavaScript code from a Yahoo account to a G-mail account. The code will run in a preview pane, he wrote. But if the code is mailed from one Gmail account to another, it is filtered out, he said. Some visitors to the blog reported being able to replicate the findings, but others said later that they were not able to and that the supposed flaw had been fixed."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Settled on Arch

I've been going around the OS ferris-wheel for about a year now. Last year I got rid of my PowerBook G4 and bought a lighter thinkpad X41. Apple is a great company (heck, I worked there) but the lack of a light notebook left me scrambling. There are millions of people who walk to work or take public transportation and we need laptops too.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ford Announces Hybrid SUV

Recently, Ford Motor Company introduced a hybrid SUV to placate the millions of people who despise the vehicles due to their terrible fuel economy. Companies like Whole Foods and Honest Tea are lining up to give them away no doubt as part of Fords strategy to cast the vehicles as environmentally friendly. Repeat after me: "It's not just about the fuel econom
User Journal

Journal Journal: Kerry/Bush want to lower gas prices

According to multiple sources, John Kerry is pressuring George Bush to lower fuel prices across the country. Behind a banner that says Lower Gas Prices Fuel the Economy, Presidential hopefully Kerry talks about pressuring OPEC and stalling the US reserve plans.

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To restore a sense of reality, I think Walt Disney should have a Hardluckland. -- Jack Paar
