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Comment Re:TDP for 4770k == 84W (Score 1) 271

Because most microprocessors do not run for 100k hours at 70C. Maybe at 40C, but electromigration will kill just about any chip running that hot for an extended period of time.

The temps that manufacturers state tell you the temperature at which a chip will operate, not a temperature at which it will survive with extended use. If a processor runs at 70C but crashes constantly at 73C, do you really think it will happily run at 70C for 11 years?

Comment Re:How to tell the difference (Score 4, Insightful) 267

Sure a geek can have a use for guns. Because guns are amazing hobby tools, not just something for "busting a cap." Go to a shooting competition sometime, and watch those bastards haul around hundreds of pounds of equipment, on which they have spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars tuning and modding and unmodding and remodding, just to make a little metal target flip down.

THAT is geekdom.

(Just don't share that with most of them, or you might get shot)

Comment Re:FUD is dead - fred (Score 1) 568

Huntsman's dad is the Mormon pope++. A living prophet if you believe all that. His son is unelectable in any sane nation. Pure distraction from the get go. Make Romney look less nuts.

And Obama's dad was a drunk-driving Muslim homeopath. What's your point?

Comment Re:Get this book (Score 1) 166

AC is correct. Make: Electronics is a great resource, and will definitely aid the submitter in understanding what all those little magic widgets in the robot kits do.

Also, if you need to learn how to solder, check out EEVBlog's three soldering tutorial videos on Youtube.

Comment Re:Interesting... (Score 1) 75

I've never worked with biofilms, but I was a part of a research group that did, so hopefully I am remembering this correctly.

They're actually very similar in makeup, mucins and biofilms. The way mucins are supposed to work is to preferentially bind to the external saccharides on cellular walls, inhibiting the microbes from attaching with their pili and thereby stopping the biofilm from ever gaining a foothold.

Most mucins are o-glycoproteins, while the biofilms are typically polysaccharides (very interlinked and stiff, unlike the intermittently-crosslinked and thereby floppy o-glycoproteins).

Of course, there are plenty of OTHER things on which biofilms will form, like iron and other metals, by using siderophores and whatnot. But that's not really relevant to this discussion.

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