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Comment Room for improvement (Score 1) 303

I think there is room for improvement without totally ditching the QWERTY keyboard.

For instance, if I'm only typing English text, such as this comment, then I find QWERTY to be quite comfortable.

But if I'm entering a lot of source code that uses a lot of symbols and brackets, like this "wire [N-1:0] gated_one_hot = {N{gate}} & (2**i);", I find that my hands and wrists fatigue rather quickly.

So I would like to see some task-specific keyboard layouts where the QWERTY part is unchanged, but the symbols important to the task are more-optimally placed.

Comment Cable companies are not known for their competence (Score 2) 141

Maybe a little off topic, but I find this story sort of sums up Comcast's competence at logistics ... I have a relative who moved into a rented house and ordered Comcast CATV+Internet the day they moved in. The installer showed up a day or two later, got everything hooked up, and they were all set. About a week later, the CATV and Internet went offline. After spending a bunch of time on the phone talking to customer support they learned that Comcast prioritizes connection work orders over disconnect work orders, and the disconnect work order of the previous renter wasn't carried out until that day, and that was what caused their outtage. So Comcast had to roll a third truck to reconnect the service. Comcast could have saved themselves money, and not pissed off a customer, if they'd had enough logistical sense to cancel the disconnect order of the previous renter.

Comment HiFi VHS (Score 2) 276

When I was in college back in the early 90's, my floor would host an annual party for the dorm. Someone had a HiFi Stereo VHS deck, so we would pre-record the playlist to that (reel-to-reel and cassette would've been the only other options at the time; the former was prohibitively expensive and the latter had inferior audio qualify).

Comment Funny.. I was just having a conversation... (Score 1) 326

... with a friend where I was describing what I do for work. I design logic by coding algorithms in Verilog, which gets turned into CMOS circuits by a synthesis tool (effectively a software compiler that turns the programming constructs into CMOS circuits rather than pre-defined instructions for general purpose processor). But this is a very clumsy method of describing even the simplest things. At some point, we concluded, the synthesis tools will get good enough that I will need to merely describe to it at a very high level, perhaps just a spec document, or via a natural language "conversation", and then it takes care of all the ugly details under the hood to implement the idea and turn it the hardware.

Comment That's how it's done these days (Score 1) 194

The thing is, at one point in time, a large company like IBM would invest in its employees by helping them to develop their skills. Over the duration of their career, they could move within the company to put their evolving skill set to use. But nowadays, if IBM has a bunch of people with outdated skill "X" and they want a bunch of people with sexy, new skill "Y", they fire the "X" people and hire the "Y" people from outside the company. Or, more likely, acquire a handful of startups and small companies that specialize in skill "Y". They save themselves the trouble of having to teach the "X" people how to be "Y" people.

Submission + - Carrie Fisher in Critical Condition (latimes.com)

vtTom writes: The L. A. Times and other news outlets are reporting that Carrie Fisher, best know for her role as Princess Leia in Star Wars, is in critical condition after suffering an apparent heart attack shortly before arriving at LAX on a flight from London.

Comment They'll find a way to make up the income... (Score 1) 39

No matter what the FCC decides, the cable companies will eventually find a way to make up a new fee that replaces the lost lease income. For instance, I lease an STB from Dish Network to the tune of about $7/mo. I could buy the exact name model of STB on eBay and send back the leased unit, but to authorize it for use with Dish they would change me a, you guessed it, $7/mo BYOSTB "access fee."

Comment Employer Match (Score 1) 268

One thing to consider is whether or not your employer has a program for matching employees' charitable contributions. If they do, check with them for what types of organizations they will or will not match contributions to. It's a great way to make your giving go further.

Comment Tele-reset (Score 1) 258

Quite some time ago I worked at a small company, and we had a PC in a remote location that we would occasionally connect to by directly dialing it up by modem. (this is in the pre-ubiquitous-Internet days). Well, of course, every now and then the computer would crash leaving us unable to perform its intended task, and also unable to answer our calls. After having to drive out there a few times just to hit the Reset button, I installed a circuit inside that "eavesdropped" on the phone line. If the phone rang more than X number of times within some period of time (meaning the computer had crash and was not answering), it reset the computer by way of a relay connect in parallel with the case button.

Comment My Theory: Risk Aversion (Score 1) 419

I have a theory.... Corporations are becoming more and more averse to risk. They expect every product they develop to be successful to justify the expense. So instead of developing products and talent internally, they're letting newbies take on all the risk of starting up new companies and new technologies, and then they swoop in and cherry-pick the ones that are successful.

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