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Comment Re:just fair (Score 1) 805

You don't need to do this. It already is.

We, after all, "hate" them for their freedoms (don't we?). When you are poor you loose nothing, when you are rich you loose everything, therefore "they" see enemies everywhere, conspiracies where there are none and an increasingly restless population who need to externalise the insecurities.

"They" are taking Our Jobs. "They" hate us for our freedoms. "They" want our lifestyle.

No we don't. The vast majority of people in the world just want to be left the fuck alone, not having to worry about a double tap drone strike, or a midnight black bagging, rendition and torturing. Speak up and become a target.

Julian spoke up. He knows the day will come where he magically has a heart attack while eating dinner.

Its the American Way.

Comment Re:fuck the government (Score 3, Interesting) 78

I despise them too. We really deserve what we are getting.

This country is utterly doomed. Utterly and completely doomed.

I did a stint at DSD and while I cannot talk about what I saw there specifically, I can tell you that every single one of your absolute nightmares is absolutely true. Double up on the paranoia, the data collection and the cross indexing, then multiply this by six and you might get close.

Regard every single system that has an electron running through it used to monitor you and you would be getting close.

Comment Galileo Galilei has this covered... (Score 2) 1218

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them."

He also said -
"Surely, God could have caused birds to fly with their bones made of solid gold, with their veins full of quicksilver, with their flesh heavier than lead, and with their wings exceedingly small. He did not, and that ought to show something. It is only in order to shield your ignorance that you put the Lord at every turn to the refuge of a miracle."

Both of these, from a man of God - a devout Roman Catholic, are what I use in conversations with those who, just because they believe in $DIETY, think their suppositions are the right ones. I try to point out to them that science and religion do not need to be enemies, and that humans who refuse to actually think are what make them so. Unfortunately, it ends with the "pious" person sticking their fingers in their ears and going "NA NA NA NA I can't hear you! Science sucks! NA NA NA NA" :-p

Comment Simple, two sentence response... (Score 0) 459

Fuck you. Don't go there.

Come on, this is ridiculous. This is the same kind of bullshit ultra-conservative religious people spout in the USA when they talk about naked people on TV. NEWS FLASH!! Turn the fucking channel and don't watch it. Or, even better, how about having a REAL conversation with your children explaining why you don't want them to view that material. Not just the reactionary one of "Don't look! Don't you ever look at that filth!" response because, guess what?, they're then 100 times more likely to go look at it. On the other hand, they might still look at it if you actually explained your reasoning behind not wanting them to watch it - you know, a real conversation with your children (because they actually understand a lot more than you want to believe - or do believe) and not just one of those "Because I said so" moments.

Sorry, that sort of degenerated into a rant. The basis still applies though ;-)

Comment Good for Samsung! (Score 5, Insightful) 362

I'd like to see some sanity return to patents, since nothing exists in a vacuum. Everything new has been influenced in some way by past experiences and influences. From a rock rolling down a hill to rocks turned into wheels to wooden wheels to modern rubber tires, it has all been an improvement on the previous improvement. I hope Samsung prevails with this line of defense to the utter ruination of Apple's patent-ly bullshit attempt to stop their competition.

Frankly, the way things are moving, it might not be too long before software patents are gone and "look and feel" and other such patents actually have very limited lifespans or are disproven because the "look and feel" are based on a previous incarnation. I'd love to see THIS improvement made to patents and then improved upon again with copyrights included. You know, that whole "secure for a limited time" thing...

Comment Re:L. Ron Hubbard and writers in the same sentence (Score 1) 179

Please, please, please tell me you are joking... I am an avid reader of science fiction from William Gibson/Neal Stephenson to Robert Heinlein/Isaac Asimov and around to John Varley and Spider Robinson. In my much younger years (call it late teens), I tried to read Battlefield Earth and then the Mission Earth series (I had the first 5 volumes in hard cover for some reason). I quit reading Battlefield after 60 or so pages. I quit reading the first book in the Mission Earth after 20 pages or so. I do not mind technical detail in my books but gah!, those books bored me to tears with their writing style and the details included. I love some good pulp fiction but those don't cut it. I was hoping for fantastic considering the series was 10 books. What I received instead was drivel and 4.9 unread volumes (5+ if you count Battlefield).

Oh, yeah, the movie was such a large pile of shit that we could fertilize the mid-west with it for 20 years or so. To be fair, I might give the books another go. It has been a while.

Comment What has the Internet become? (Score 5, Insightful) 171

What a horror. She saw the light, as did I.

After 17 years of building, learning and promoting I now realise just how awful it has now become. I have left the industry entirely.

Facebook is not a product of Zuckerberg, but a reflection of the inevitability that horrendous and highly penetrative technological processes will have on our lives.

People haven't asked for Big Brother, they demanded him.

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