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Comment Fascism? (Score 1) 186

I am not fond of the word 'fascism' because it's become a catch-all word for describing any policy or action a govt makes that is not to our liking. But in this case, we have a secret govt action in open collusion with big business at the expense of the general public which I think could accurately described as being fascist, or at least not far from it.

I have to say, I'm seriously disappointed and surprised by BO's decision to continue with a pandering Bushco policy decision.

Comment War profiteering scum (Score 5, Insightful) 873

She needs to be investigated for her conflict of interest between her position as chair on the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee and her husband's firms receiving billions of dollars of defense construction contracts. Oops. She's the chair of the Senate Rules Committee. I guess there won't be any investigations.

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