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Comment We have met the enemy, and they are us (Score 2) 46

To the Chinese government, this is another fantastic gift. Just look up the fascinating story of Qian Xuesen, and how one of the founders of the legendary JPL became the father of China's space program.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself. The great nation on earth can only be destroyed from within. We are halfway there, unfortunately.

Comment Re:It hasn't proved anything. (Score 4, Insightful) 64

GR at its core is amazingly simple. It states that gravitational field and acceleration field are equivalent, i.e. the strong equivalence principle. From there it immediately follows that spacetime is curved around a massive object.

Skepticism is great. It's the cornerstone of science. But it works both ways. You may want to apply a healthy dose to those self-claimed smart people.

Submission + - SPAM: Captain Marvel Has the Best Movie Website Since Space Jam

InfiniteZero writes: According to this Wired article: Try to think back to a time when the internet wasn’t a toxic mix of rage and false equivalence. Trick question! It’s always been. But for a few glorious years in the 1990s, it was also glittery and welcoming and amateurish and wonderful and absurd. It was the age of Geocities, and an era Marvel has played pitch-perfect homage to with its recently launched Captain Marvel website.

Comment Re:Tyranny of the Majority (Score 1) 254

Tyranny of the majority is a well known term, and my point is perfectly clear. What's yours, argue for the sake of arguing?

Not all democratic rules are tyrannic. For example speed limits don't harm anyone and benefit the society in general. The DST rule of time change, on the other hand, is something completely artificial that people have lived perfectly fine without for thousands of years. It causes significant harm including death in a minority group of people. You can't be more tyrannic than that.

For normal people the time change is a minor annoyance. You have to be someone with a major case of DSPD to fully appreciate its negative impact on your life.

P.S. Typo in my original post. Should be "genetic" instead of "generic".

Comment Tyranny of the Majority (Score 3, Interesting) 254

I am an extreme night owl by nature. It's something generic according to the latest research. I try my best to fit in with "normal" people's schedule, and get by OK for most part with a painstakingly maintained bedtime. But twice a year, the time switch throws me off for weeks at a time. It has been a struggle of a lifetime.

If there is one textbook example of the tyranny of the majority, this is it. We need to get rid of it in the states too.

Submission + - New evidence that all stars are born in pairs

InfiniteZero writes: According to the article at "Did our sun have a twin when it was born 4.5 billion years ago? Almost certainly yes — though not an identical twin. And so did every other sun-like star in the universe, according to a new analysis by a theoretical physicist from UC Berkeley and a radio astronomer from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory at Harvard University."

Comment Black Mirror (Score 1) 278

It's The Outer Limits for the 21st century (which by the way is another great series, although I only watched the 90's remake). Currently it has three seasons with about a dozen episodes, all worth your time. Season 4 is supposed to come out this fall.

One episode, San Junipero, hit me particularly hard. I don't ever watch a movie/show more than once, but San Junipero is the only one ever that I've watched three times so far and cried my eyes out each time. It managed to pack so much emotion and human condition into 60 minutes. Although you do need to be old enough (I'd say 35, at least) to appreciate the sense of mortality and the extra layer of nostalgia.

Comment The Human Condition (Score 4, Insightful) 145

There is no escape from the human condition. Technology merely amplifies it.

The internet was supposed to break down barriers and make the world a global village. But instead, for better or worse, we now have virtual enclaves of like-minded people who would never have found each other without the internet and social media.

The future is uncertain. Will it turns out to be an utopia, or dystopia? Your answer reflects your own worldview.

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The sooner all the animals are extinct, the sooner we'll find their money. - Ed Bluestone
