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Comment Re:huh? (Score 1) 269

This wouldn't be any different from putting hidden cameras in your house when the babysitter is over. You're not in a public place, so you should have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Nope, wrong. It's your house. You can put all the cameras you want inside of it. There are no restrictions..

So to take that argument to its conclusion, then it is OK to place a hidden camera in a bathroom where babysitter might be bathing, changing, or other state of partial undress?

Comment Re:Battery Life (Score 1) 253

That's the only thing people care about. Get it to work for more than 10hours

If only that were true then people would still be using Blackberries, which are famously stingy in their battery consumption and could go days between charges. If anything, the market has said overwhelmingly that battery life doesn't matter a whit, and customers continue to snap up whatever is the must-have phone of the day. Carriers are not necessarily motivated to push for better battery life, as they like the revenue bump that comes with upselling an extra desk charger and a car charger to get the phone through the day.

Battery life is one of those things. Everyone says they want Mary Anne, but they always pick Ginger.

Comment Re:Ecch ... (Score 1) 74 focus on building awesome hardware. delivering an android phone with slightly different UI elements isn't going to differentiate you from your competitor.

Problem is that the hardware isn't really all that different. Look at phones and tablets - they're converging to pretty much the same look - thin mostly-black slabs, with rounded edges and big touch screen. Most platforms have the same sensors (accelerometers, GPS, etc.), similar screens, etc. That's not enough differentiation.

Why do people buy iPhones or Androids? It's all about the apps, the community, the experience, making a fashion statement. Pretty much everything other than hardware. The hardware's just something that's expected to be there to facilitate all the rest.

Comment Re:"GM thinks" there's your problem. (Score 1) 216

You don't need to break it up, just increase the tax rate a smidgen on large firms (revenue over $1B?). Call it "bailout insurance" and dump it into a non-profit government managed fund.

If companies have contributed, then they can make claims at roughly the same scale as they contributed (see government pension plans for a similar setup).

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