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Comment Re:Right wing tribalism (Score 1) 167

Nice try, but you cannot compare conditional probabilities directly. The probability of victim being white when the killer is black is conditional. You cannot compare it to probability of victim being back when the killer is white. These are apples and oranges.

Let's assume the killings are random and everyone has equal capacity for murder.

The probability of killer being black is 2/17. The probability that he kills white person in random killing is 15/16. Hence the probability of killer being black and victim being white is (2/17)*(15/16)=11%

The probability of killer being white is 15/17. The probability that he kills black person in random killing is 2/16. Hence the probability of killer being white and victim being black is (15/17)*(2/16)=11% - the same

If you are seeing discrepancy between black-on-white and white-on-black rates then our assumption that murders are random and everyone has the same capacity for murder does not hold.

Comment Re:Why a diversity quota? (Score 2) 158

Entice? Why? To alleviate emotional discomfort of middle-aged male justice warriors caused by poor diversity quotas? Perhaps girls want different things than sitting in front of the screen old day and cursing at broken code. Systems engineering and coding isn't very social experience. No reason to sugar coat it and mislead people.

Comment Re:How does RH do this? (Score 1) 34

This is grey area. When GPL binaries are delivered via private channel, there is no explicit requirement that the source code must be released publicly and not via the same closed channel. RHEL distributes patches binaries and source code via private endpoint which requires license to access and they can cut off that access at any time. So it is not the software that is licensed, but rather the distribution service and GPL explicitly allows paid distribution.

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