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Comment Conflict of interest much? (Score 1) 331

But not everyone is convinced the rules go far enough. "The rule is far too weak to address the grave misconduct of predatory for-profit colleges," writes David Halperin.

Says the man who works at a public college teaching English, women’s studies, comparative literature, and classical studies - fields noted for the career prospects of their graduates.

David Halperin

Comment Re: The US tech industry (Score 3, Informative) 283

MP3 players existed before the iPod
Smartphones existed before the iPhone
Tablets existed before the iPad
Smartwatches exist, and the iWatch doesn't

Apple doesn't create new categories; they polish and popularise them - sort of the way Blizzard has done with the RTS, action-RPG, and MMO genres in gaming.

Comment Re:please no (Score 1) 423

Consider, I'm going to roll a 6 sided dice. What number am I going to roll?

The whole of climate science and meteorology is predicated on the fact that those systems are not random. Yeah, the more iterations of a random event, the closer you get to the statistical average. But that doesn't mean that the more variables you add to a system, the more it converges on a predictable single value.

I'm not sure I'm going to agree with this statement however. Is an apple a simpler fruit than an orange?

Is an orange the aggregate of millions of apples over a long period of time?

Comment Re:please no (Score 1) 423

However, while I'm sure that both 'sides' in this debate are equally guilty of seeing what they want to see, that which confirms their observer bias, I'm not sure that ridiculing weather forecasts is a valid argument against the accuracy and predictive power (or lack thereof) of climate models.

Really? Weather is a simpler, shorter-term analysis than climate, pretty much by definition. If we can't perform the simpler task particularly well, it argues against us being able to do the more complex.

Comment Re:Not Humanly Possible != Impracticle (Score 1) 470

It depends what you mean by "drones". Missiles would basically be one-use drones, with the firing ship serving as their control centre. In space battles, distances would likely be large enough for relativistic time lags in comms between ship and missile to be a thing, so they'd have to be capably of autonomy after they'd moved beyond comms range of their ship.

Comment Re:I seem to remember... (Score 1) 275

Give me an objective definition of "market" that makes the doesn't make the distinction between software products and support services, yet does distinguish between, say, operating systems and web browsers.

I doubt you have one. You just draw the line on a case-by-case basis wherever it supports your argument.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
