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Comment Odds ? (Score 4, Interesting) 622

What are the odds that two advanced SSBN submarines would collide in a vast ocean accidentally ? There are rumors that US and Russian subs collided frequently during the cold wars because of the close proximity when they tracked each other and these incidents were usually silenced for political reasons. perhaps something else is going on ? One of the captains decided to be a smart ass ?

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 296

It is not just a technological problem. It is both a social and technological problem and technology itself can not address the randomness of human minds (stupidity, over confidence or ignorance etc). Scammers will always find a way around technology and other approaches have to be considered. I don't consider informing the public as a petty trick, this is something that is being used in real life and should be considered as a viable option.

Comment Too Much is being read into this (Score 4, Insightful) 491

I don't see what the big deal is. NASA and DoD have worked togeather before (Shuttle program but DoD dropped out for non-manned launches). This is not about militarization of NASA (DoD's space budget is significantly more than NASA), if it's cheaper for NASA to adopt or modify one of the heavy launchers used by the DoD, than why not ? What raised my eye brow was Griffin's response about NASA's inability to evaluate rocket options ....

Comment Re:What does this really mean? (Score 2, Insightful) 211

I've had experience with regulations and biomed industries, not just the FDA, but european etc etc. Theres a reason why companies have to do all these regulation and testing for medical devices, the more intrusive or critical the device it is, the more testing and verification is needed. (Not that it ever catches every single bug or design flaw) but a safety mechanism is needed (for recall, tracking manufacturing, design etc etc) and to show that the these company have at least taken common problems into considerations. I have no doubt there is probably some red tapes in all the regulation agency, but there is a reason why critical medical devices cost so much. This isn't some FDA or CE conspiracy to jack up the price (at least most of it).

Comment Re:What does this really mean? (Score 3, Informative) 211

Thats because the stringent testing that is required for medical devices. If we're talking about devices that doesn't play any pivotal role in medical treatment, it often doesn't require the verification and stringent testing and would cost significantly less(alot of the cost for devices are on clinical tests). Imagine if you use a off the shelf monitor for a multi-million dollar imaging machine, and it failed to display a small cancerous anomaly correctly ...
This article doesn't really say anything about the current state of medical devices, it just simply costs alot to build and verify they work in an acceptable manner for medical purposes. I don't think the machines talked about in these article will ever be adopted in the west. I doubt the reliability of these components will be up to scratch compare to the regular prenatal care machines BUT for third world countries where the medicial facilities are so poor, its probably worthy to think about adopting these machines as a temporary stop gap and thats probably the point of this exercise.

Comment Because its not part of the game play (Score 3, Insightful) 249

My impression of WoW is that it is a fairly shallow game in terms of narrative with the quests. Most of these quests are simple grinding with very little aspect to rewards or consequences to the players actions. If the idea is to incoporate consequences or rewards to such things as torture, part of the gaming mechanism would've to be changed such that something valuable to a WoW player would be affected. I don't think WoW has ever presented the concept of good or bad in the gameplay, either faction can do pretty much whatever they want regardless. WoW isn't designed to disucss morality in terms of gameplay.

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