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Comment Duh ... (Score 1) 162

Of course, people are more empathetic to things that are presented from the human experience! That is the purpose of empathy.
People aren't inherently evil and seeing how something actually affects someone else is moving emotionally.
However, the question is 'should' it sway your opinion, or how should it effect your actions.
The other problem is credibility. I may not trust the educated guess of someone who has gathered statistics, especially if I detect bias in their presentation.
It is hard to argue with how you feel about what happened to you, even if I don't agree with the solutions you or other propose.

Comment Re:It's always something (Score 1) 99

So then you are also old enough to remember that at one time most people were more balanced then to believe fake news.
You are old enough to remember a society where the number of raped women was closer to 1 / 20 where as now it is 1/3.
You are old enough to remember a society where believing in right and wrong was the norm , as opposed to now when more then half the people's definition of right and wrong is 'whatever most of us feel'.

If you think those things you listed are in no way contribute to the decline in mental health of the overall population. Think again. They Just don't contribute the way you might expect.
Does watching or interacting with all kinds of hypersexualized images make you a rapist. Of coarse not, it does incline you to treat others less as people and more as objects an a screen.
Does watching or interacting with all kinds of violent material make you and axe murder? Of coarse not, but it does make you more likely to accept the possibility the violence can be morally used to 'make things better'

Media especially social media also make you a person who cares less about real people, and helping them , then about the things that keep you entertained, and the approval of the 'click'.. They use up time you may have spent thinking about deeper issues like , love , justice and kindness and anesthetize your conscience. Making you much more prone to accept whatever garbage is pushed into your bubble rather then thinking critically. The info comes too often too fast to really process.

yes, these things can and do change us , and not for the better. There needs to be deeper conversation around how to make better use of these technologies rather then use them to addict consumers and sell whatever kind of sugar high that generates the most money.

Not that I'm saying that's realistic, but I suspect unless it happens we are headed towards a dystopian future.

Comment Comany seeks profit !! ... Shocking. (Score 1) 42

I know it may come as a shock to some who would like to think that 'apple co' is a socially responsible company who's primary focus is the common good. They aren't. They are in it for the $$$ just as much as any other company. Slave labor from China. Not a problem. ( so long as we can sell it as a good thing). That is way unbridled capitalisms doesn't work. Capitalisms needs to be well regulated to ensure proper competition and protect the consumer and the common good. It is really useful, like uranium, but without controls bad things happen.

Comment Because... (Score 3, Interesting) 185

incremental improvement of a system can never produce as good or better a product then one created in the full by intentional design. *warning joke* I assume he is also a new world creationist then ;) *LOL*

In any case , the augment that Telsa can't use scalability and incremental improvement to get to the same place really doesn't wash.
Beside that. I don't really want a self driving car. I'm not sure i want one that drives me around the city based on a GPS. GPS isn't always correct and the computer doesn't automatically 'see' that problem. I would be perfectly happy with a functioning 'autopilot' So I can read a book when I take 4 and 6 hour road trips to see family etc. rather then risk road hypnotism and fatigue. Sometimes consumers will happily use MP3's rather then demanding uncompressed audio, because there is a point at which 90% of the value is found in 70% of the functionality ( and 50% of the cost).

Comment Re: So what's the downside? (Score 1) 401

They would have to go to fully moderated comments or to some kind of disclaimer you clicked on before reading unmodified contents. This is exactly the problem with what Facebook did. By shoving their politics and views on others by non-natural policies they have shown that the can and do moderate all content, and if they do they need accountability for those decisions on a legal level. The section probably needs to be modified with wording specific to neutrality of moderation , which can then allow you to be sued if you fall outside the defined bounds.

Comment Re:We Need 230 (Score 1) 401

Platforms become liable for damaged caused by both BLM and the capital protests when they prove themselves able and willing to censor that kind of speech.
230 is mean to stop internet providers from having to sniff traffic for content and phone companies from having to not listen to calls so they don't get sued.
If web platforms want to qualify they need to pass a similar neutrality test and probably should not be allowed to deplatform people ( except maybe for a short time.) without a court order, or some kind of judiciary review. The point of repealing 230 would mean that then there could be judiciary review because they could be sued. Although I'm still not sure what good it would do most people because the bulk of the cases would fall under contract law , so where is the breach of contract if your property 'presumably you personal information' is deleted and or returned to you.

Comment Re:Repealing Section 230 (Score 1) 401

It is chilling to have private citizens , whiteout law, courts , or due process able to 'de platform' a seating president. It is amazing to see CNN decide stop airing a presidents speech because ( it is not true). Either platforms need to tolerate all speech, or they need to be liable for their decision not too.

Comment Re:Repealing Section 230 (Score 1) 401

Here is the problem. 230 was meant to protect infrastructure providers who were natural to content. IF you choose to have a TOC that says , 'we get to decide what kind of speech we host' then you shouldn't qualify for 230. The original idea was a network provider or email server should not be responsible for how the users use the site. Facebook, has taken responsibility for how it's users use the site , which argues very effectively against protecting it from liability for it's decisions.

Comment A pile of ... (Score 3, Insightful) 259

I guess I guess I guess I guess... give you a big pile of I guess. Not really much science here. Piling assumptions on top of assumptions is pretty certain to get you a wrong answer. The fact is there is no proof extra-terrestrial life exists until we find some. Sure it MAY be reasonable there 'should' be some ASSUMING our guesses are correct, but there is simply no way to know what we don't know and that is science.
So until we have some idea ( what circumstances cause the creation of 'life' , which might require have a better definition) AND we know that FTL travel is physically possible there is really no sense in arguing one persons guess over another.

Fermi's paradox may simply be solved by FTL travel being physically impossible , in which case the energy for any 2 civilizations of far enough distance to have any useful communications is beyond the means any civilization and/or that our civilization happens to be so far away that no one can contact us. They may have already sent a signal and we might get it 10000 years from now.

Comment When did slashdot start allowing full article adds (Score -1, Troll) 145

This is nothing BUT and advertisement pretending to be an article. I like raspberry pi but this is truly unworthy of Slashdot. It is neither new, not really for nerds and it isn't stuff that matters. Why not search and find any article about someone actually doing something cool with Raspberry pi ? Come on guys, fes up who took the bribe. *LOL*

Comment Irony. (Score 1) 184

What great irony to insist on 'neutrality of carriers' to content and yet Not insist on neutrality of server admins ( aka amazon) or even telecommunication companies like facebook! I support net neutrality, no company that I employ should have any business screening INSPECTING or having any knowledge of any of my communications beyond ensuring I am receiving what was paid for. They should completely stay out of the business of telling what I can and can not use the network for or what I say on it. !

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