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Comment Maybe planes need more predictive tech too... (Score 1) 112

... after it has been found, that the cause for a crash of an Embraer 195 in Africa has been linked directly to the captain being alone on the flight deck, putting the engines to idle and descend rapidly... http://www.aeroinside.com/item/3416/lam-e190-over-botswana-namibia-on-nov-29th-2013-captain-intentionally-crashed-aircraft

Comment Re:TL;DR (Score 1) 345

The one guy being ridiculous is you. We do have to solve the problem, since we created it. Pushing it in front of us, out of sight, out of our generation is not a viable option.
Oh - and there are a few more issues with keeping our descendants in the loop. Information will be lost, no matter how careful you are....

Comment And then you realize that (Score 3, Funny) 109

- the swiss had their fair share of privacy desasters - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_files_scandal
- the swiss also have their intelligence services
- the swiss also have lawful interception
- you still need to encrypt everything as your data in transit to Switzerland might be intercepted elsewhere

Go dark. Now.

Regards from Switzerland

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