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Comment Load Balancers beware! (Score 1) 338

Many hosting providers have traffic load balancers that distribute traffic based upon source IP address (there is a better way to do this, but I'll get to that later). When traffic arrives it routes that traffic to a specific server. When you have a carrier that has thousands of customers all coming from 1 IP, the load balancer routes it to 1 server which quickly gets overwhelmed and either crashes or is just DoS'ed. Then it points it to the next server, then the next. Back in the early days of the internets - AOL pulled this stunt where entire regions would get nat'ed behind a firewall. It was very efficient in taking out online services.

Most load balancers will now look at the session cookie and load-balance off of that, as long as they are configured to work that way. As the practice of CGNAT (as they call it now) went away, I'm sure a number of hosting companies have gone to using source IP as a sufficient load balancing method. If so, we are sure to see these events happen again.

Comment Repair released for the patch (Score 1) 154

There is a bootable disk that MS has released to help users recover from this nightmare.

Link: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=38435

Repair Disk for KB2823324 and KB2782476 (KB2840165)
To help customers who are experiencing difficulties restarting their systems after installation of security update 2823324, Microsoft is making available a bootable media ISO image through the Microsoft Download Center (DLC). Clicking Download means you agree to the MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS.

Comment Limit the size of data packets (Score 1) 89

Military uses packet sizes of 1500 bytes. We should limit the packet sizes for TCP to 768 bytes for civilian (non law-enforcement) use. Law-enforcement can use 1500 byte packets only after going through special training. This will help mitigate the threat posed by cyber warfare - and it makes as much sense as any other policy being proposed.

Comment Re:Don't modern plans almost fly themselves? (Score 1) 421

Although commercial planes do fly on autopilot for most of the flight once they are in cruise, you still need the pilots that are fully capable of controlling the plane and landing it when the autopilot suddenly drops offline because the pitot tubes freeze, wings ice over, a gyro fails, or an engine catches on fire. The routine flights can indeed be handled by most any low-time pilot, but the unusual circumstances are where you need pilots with sufficient experience.

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