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Comment How does HFT work? (Score 1) 152

Lets just assume 100 shares and say player1 is asking $10.04 and player2 is bidding $10.00, and there are no other players. For starters, I don't really understand how a transaction happens at all here. It would seem that one of these two would need to modify their bid or ask. So now lets say you are a new player3 and are employing high frequency trading. The most obvious thing that comes to my mind is that you could get in the middle of this and buy at $10.04 from player1 and then sell at $10.00 to player2 and lose $0.04 cents. Clearly this is no good. Alternatively player3 could place a bid at $10.02 and hope that player1 will lower his ask. If this transactions occurs then player3 can start asking at $10.03 and hope that player2 will now up his bid. If this goes as planned player3 makes $0.01. There would be a window of risk here for player3. The stock has been bought at $10.02 and the only buyer is bidding $10.00 and the ask has just come down from $10.04 to $10.03. There is no guarantee there will ever be a buyer at greater than $10.02. If this what actually goes on, then player3 is sort of facilitating a transaction. The spread was originally too wide for either player1 or player2 to move. player3 has essentially lowered the spread and enticed both player1 and player2 to make a transaction. The above is really sort of a big question. I have no idea what HFT is really doing.

Comment Wasn't this all known already (Score 1) 955

I remember years ago, under the Bush administration that the Telcoms were caught recording this information. It was a big deal in the news for about 2 days and then gone. Absolutely no one was held accountable. No one promised to stop recording this information. Sometime later Congress passed a bill giving the Telcoms immunity for collecting this information. No one would reasonable assume that the activity was stopped because this information came out. The only real surprise to me is that they are not recording the contents of the calls. I seem to recall that the Telcoms recorded this at the behest of the NSA, but I can recall reading similar stories that the FBI are also collecting similar information. I also remember how Quest was the only Telcom that did not comply and that the CEO is now in jail for insider trading. I don't think his jail time is simply a coincidence. I also remember some group that tried to sue the government over this data collection, but were ultimately denied because the government did not waive their right to be sued on this matter. Sorry, I don't remember any of the details of the above. The government has simply decided that this information is not private, because it flows through servers owned by other people. I don't agree with this argument, but it has been upheld by the courts. Is the only bit of new information here the fact that this activity was not stopped when previously discovered?

Comment Why a trading problem with only Facebook? (Score 1) 91

What I don't understand, is why would trading be different for Facebook than every other stock on the exchange? Don't they just add the symbol to the database and then it trades like everything else. The fact the only Facebook was glitched seems to imply either a very sloppy system for initializing the software with a new symbol or there was some sort of malfeasance being employed with just this stock.

Comment Re:Where is the source code? (Score 1) 247

The above is close to what I wanted to say. If one decides to take the approach that new software creates a new machine, then how do you determine if two software machines are the same or are different when the machines accomplish similar goals. If you take something real simple like "1-click" then you have something like the following: A form to gather billing information for an individual. A button which executes an order utilizing billing information obtained prior. So does any software doing these two things violate the patent, or can it be worked around by say storing the data with a different method or writing the software in a different language or re-arranging the order of items on the form. There are a million ways to create source code with the same basic result. Additionally if software is considered as broken down into pieces with those pieces being broken down into smaller pieces until eventually arriving at trivial pieces, then there is this hierarchy of pieces where each lower level piece could be implemented in many different ways. In effect, each upper layer is an idea and each lower layer is an implementation of that idea. To me this really blurs the line between idea and implementation. Every so called implementation could be looked at as an idea, with a lower level implementation.

Comment not worth it (Score 1) 737

I just can't help but think it isn't right to perpetually sell an operating system, word processor, and email program. Eventually, these are sufficiently complete or good enough. Maybe they can be made slightly better, but who wants to keep paying year after year for so little added value. Additionally when it comes to the user interface of the operating system, I don't think they have done a very good job. Who wants to keep paying for a bad product? Its been 28 years now and you can still barely edit the system path variable, and there is no sudo. I keep hoping Linux will eventually overtake it. However, just the other day, I was running a Qt app with Cleanlooks style on GTK and the tooltips were unreadable due to the color background/foreground contrast. I spent about 1 hour trying to fix it and couldn't. It seems with Linux there is always something weird like this.

Comment Re:Avionics (Score 1) 369

I took a flight when I was child 38 years ago, with a hand held video game. The game interfered with cockpit radio and I was told to turn it off. Today, my wireless router generates noises in my PC speakers. I would not be so sure that interference is not a problem.

Comment Re:Duh (Score 1) 339

I don't see the problem with deflation. It allows one to save their money and get good future value for their saved money. I think inflation is wrong. Inflation depletes your savings. My father could watch a movie for a dime when he was young. Crazy that it cost 100 times that now. I know some people say that it will prevent people from spending their money, but I don't think this is true. People still need things. I know they say that it encourages investment. But I think it is wrong for the government to essentially force people to invest. There are a lot of crooks in this world just waiting to cheat you out of your investment money. I know they say it allows the government to manage the economy, but I don't think the government should manage the economy. When the government helps one group by say propping up home prices, the government invariable hurts another group (those looking to buy a house). The government gets in trouble by borrowing too much. Leaving the gold standard, just allowed them to borrow more and delay their problems. It would be better if the government didn't borrow any money at all.

Comment Re:While I'm not supporting Texas -at all- (Score 1) 763

I have always heard a scientific theory described as something that has already been well tested. It remains an hypothesis until it is well tested. Wikipedia currently agrees with this, "a well-confirmed type of explanation of nature, made in a way consistent with scientific method". And states "A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing. If enough evidence accumulates to support a hypothesis, it moves to the next step—known as a theory—in the scientific method and becomes accepted as a valid explanation of a phenomenon."

Comment Javascript/libraries/bindings (Score 1) 387

The thing I don't understand about using Javascript is the lack of interfaces to libraries. Is there even a 'C' foreign function interface? What if I need access to a database or numerical libraries or FFTs or whatever. I think Node.js is starting to change this a little. I think it has sockets and database access. But how is this functionality provided. I think that until Javascript has some solid method to work with external libraries and perhaps a module system, it just doesn't seem like a good choice.

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