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Comment EAASL (Score 1, Informative) 93

Me (English): "I swear you netbook-fixated iPad haters just don't have a clue what a tablet is about..."

You (English as a second language): "So you are telling me that everybody who "hates" iPads have a fixation on netbooks and hate the tablet formfactor."

No. I was specifically addressing that subset of iPad haters that are netbook-fixated, and placing the original poster in that group.

Comment Tell you what - I'll race you. (Score 3, Insightful) 93

You and I will walk down the street. You have your netbook, I'll have an iPad. Then we'll time who can check their stocks and email, or pull up the local map for directions the quickest. Perhaps we'll watch some videos. Heck, perhaps we'll sit side by side on the couch instead of walking down the street. You can put the netbook on your lap and see how much fun that is.

Of course there's little or no hope of the netbook actually competing because it's not a mobile device. It's a stationary one that is light enough to carry from one fixed location to another, and there's a huge difference.

I swear you netbook-fixated iPad haters just don't have a clue what a tablet is about, and you're just so intent on not learning. It's the worst kind of ignorance - defiant and purposeful.

Since I bought my iPad my Asus netbook has languished on the shelf. The only time I use it is when I have to do extensive note-taking. I'm getting pretty good at using the iPad keyboard, so I just might sell the netbook.

Comment That tagline's got to go. (Score 2) 219

"Alberta is the home of the tar sands... the dirtiest source of petroleum. Do you actually think they are interested in cutting carbon emissions?"

I live in Alberta, I've flown over the oil sands, and I've seen the tailing ponds. Calling it the dirtiest source of petroleum is just stupid.

If you don't think resarch is being done to reduce carbon emissions, then it's clear you haven't actually looked into the matter. All the major players are invested in it, often collaboratively. Same with research on tailing ponds - which, finally, are starting to be reclaimed. Slowly, to be sure. It's a tough problem.

Now go and research what's been done all over Africa and Asia, where unrestricted petroleum industry has left vastly polluted environments, and toxic chemicals in riverbeds. Try the Niger Delta, and get a little perspective. Quit quoting similarly misinformed environmental nutbags.

Alberta has its problems, but we're working on it. Now perhaps you go away, whittle yourself a computer out of some plentiful wood that runs on a light breeze and a hint of jasmine and uses a reflecting pool for display, and then come back and engage in unreasonable hyperbole again.
The Military

US Army Completes First Test Flight of Mach 6 Weapon 230

Stirling Newberry writes "In a terse press release, the U.S. Department of Defense announced the first test of the the Advanced Hypersonic Weapon, which launches on a staged rocket and then glides to its target, in a manner similar to the Space Shuttle's re-entry. Earlier, ABC News posted a story with a video animation of the concept. Over at DefenseTech, they argue that the trajectory being different from an ICBM is meant to show that it is not a first strike device, but even the commenters don't think that explanation flies. The speed of deployment and the ability to strike targets without going high enough to be seen by many advance warning radars makes it a precision surprise attack weapon, a kind of super-cruise-missile for surprise, asymmetric attacks."

Comment Pardon Me? (Score 1) 485

It's almost like betting on the sun rise happening but you fanbois will go around making him sound like a prophet for predicting the end of a technology that already had a standardized replacement in place with growing adoption.

What the hell are you on about? I recognize your right to be an overly sensitive pinhead, but I feel l must protest. All I did was make a joke about Adobe's timing and the little war they had. I note that some others actually got it.

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