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Comment Re:That'll teach 'em. (Score 0, Interesting) 334

First off, good luck censoring the Internet. Unless you're willing to modify fundamental network protocols, Australia can join the ranks of failed governments/corporations/ISPs who have tried and failed to censor content on the Internets. Although the proposed censorship crimes mentioned are heinous (seriously child crimes are so wrong on many levels), we need to be wary of people who have ulterior motives to stifle the free flow of information. That's not to say we shoudln't pro-actively target those who want to rape children and post pictures of it. In the end though, the arrogance to say that your legislation bill will stop Internet garbage is re-donkey-lips. Politicians are the dumbest group of low lifes that walk this planet (besides child rapers).

Comment Re:MOD PARENT UP (Score 1) 242

Obama wants to cancel NASA's moon mission: Linky

Stephen Hawking said it best:

"I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet..."

If the government insists on squandering space progress, we as a nation need to look to private industry to move the ball forward.

Comment Re:"IP La" (Score -1, Troll) 441

"I still cannot understand why intellectual monopoly protectionism — the exact opposite of 'free trade' — gets included in free trade agreements"

Dear Che Guevara,

"Free trade" doesn't mean a transaction where one party doesn't pay. Engineers work hard so that one day they can pay rent and afford to buy sugar at the grocery store. The destruction of business and the fabric of commerce doesn't work any better.

Comment Re:REGULATORS! (Score -1) 454

Yep and at the same time, you're funding the very country (China) who is interested in only itself and could care less about the welfare of others. They expect to ascend as the new world super power and we're on the road to self-destruction. We as a country must focus on abandoning our unsustainable policies and bad habits. Do you know how many people depend on the government in one form or another? Everyone is suckling from the proverbial pink elephant's tit and no one wants to admit it.

Comment Re:No more working for the man (Score -1) 453

I salute you. It is your attitude and way of life that keeps the world from falling apart (faster). The trick to life is living without a negative attitude while still acknowledging we're all on our way down the toilet. What's happening with the today's prevailing way of the world is not sustainable. The kind of money and hand out programs offered throughout will eventually bankrupt us all, including the aforementioned non-cheats. A sad situation we've all gotten ourselves into and if you doubt my words, just wait young man -- I'll be smiling to you during the dark hour.

Comment Re:Ha, nice theory (Score -1) 112

We're so screwed:

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.

Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage."

Comment Re:Is this new? (Score -1) 168

Maybe the only difference is the guy behind this "invention". Ray Kurzweil is an amazing predictor of the future. He has a vivid imagination whose ideas on the future will, I suspect, come true eventually. Other than that, his reader sounds kinda cute. Not really worthy of anything special other than the spotlight that exists on this guy based on his past rants.

Comment Re:VOIP sucks. (Score -1) 426

Not necessarily. Based on the bandwidth required by towers, I'd wager the phone companies have their cell towers' out stream multiplexed and hooked up to fiber optic. In the event a power outage occurs, it's conceivable that redundant power systems kick in at the tower and continue to process communications. I can't be certain of this but that's how I'd design it.

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