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Comment Re:What's wrong with Windows Server? (Score 1) 613

What's wrong with services.msc on a Windows Server machine? Any serious answers from people who actually used it?

Nothing, they're just different. And having written both Windows services and systemd ones, I don't get the impression that systemd somehow reinvents what Windows is doing, unless something as generic as "not using init scripts" is equivalent to reinventing Windows (hint: it's not, and TFA is flamebait).

Comment Re:Mod parent down for lying (Score 1) 848

I dare say I've utilized the moderation system effectively. You claim its rasion d'être is for people like me to be moderated down, and yet it is my post that was moderated to giddy heights, and the request I made in said post was quickly granted by our moderating overlords. What say you to that? Perhaps this is (no longer) the Slashdot you thought it was. Cheers

Comment "vaunted" Canadian healthcare system (Score 1) 221

You mean the one that makes me wait months and months any time I need to see a specialist, unless it's an absolute emergency? An informed consumer of healthcare these days hardly benefits from the knowledge a mere GP can offer, which by definition is rather lacking in specificity (all they really bring to the table are the ability to write prescriptions and issue referrals). Think of it this way: you're likely spend a lot more time on the (hopefully small number of) ailments you suffer from, and the amount of research and knowledge you'd acquire would pale in comparison to what a GP is likely to have much practice with. A healthcare system that creates incredible delays when trying to reach a specialist is shit, no matter how "free" it is.

Comment Re:A bit less than 10 years ago (Score 1) 848

Bulgaria was not "liberated" by the Russians; that's communist-era propaganda. It was simply replacing Ottoman occupation with expanding Russian influence in the region. As for Bulgaria joining the Axis--are you seriously suggesting a tiny country could have said no to Hitler's unstoppable-at-the time forces? It surely wasn't done lightly, as evidenced by the fact that Bulgaria is the one Axis country which did not send off its jews to concentration camps even when pushed by the Germans (and the Bulgarian king just happens to die in mysterious circumstances soon after).

In any case, I've lived in Canada most of my life now, and consider myself a Canadian. I'm taking the perspective of thiss being a struggle of western values against an evil empire.

Comment Re:A bit less than 10 years ago (Score 1) 848

Oh, I know Bulgaria is a shithole one way or another. It's why I moved to Canada. I don't particularly like Bulgarians much more than Russians. But I also know that the USSR made things worse. That Bulgaria sucks has no bearing on the question of whether Russian expansionism sucks; it's a red herring.

Both my Estonian acquaintances agree at least to an extent with my assessment of Russia, as does every other Eastern European I personally know.

Comment Re:A bit less than 10 years ago (Score 1) 848


Are you originally from Poland?

Bulgaria, which suffered much less of the bear's hug than Poland did, but it was enough to show me the sort of love that the russkies like to export to their neighbors.

I strongly suggest you actually read your own link, as then you'd see it's irrelevant. It's regarding an antique plan where nukes play a partial role, and are delivered with antiquated methods to targets acquired and surveyed by antiquated methods. The model developed in the paper linked to in my original post is reflective of a very different modern military reality. But then, you'd have known that if you weren't too lazy to RTFA.

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