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Comment Re: a better question (Score 1, Troll) 592

Almost exactly (hehe, see that?) what I settled on. I like OSX. It is arguably the most polished, coherent desktop OS out there. Sure, Linux understands multitouch... but it doesn't use it most places, programs don't know what to do with it. However, I work with HPC. I much much prefer to dev in Linux for that. An all-inclusive package manager is invaluable here. Yosemite has this thing where a maximized window is treated like a separate desktop. So I full screen a VM of Linux (and I have several) and it's presented as just another desktop. One little swipe of the touchpad and I can go in between them. I get the perks of OSX (battery life, compatibility with some apps I need for the workplace, etc.) and the benefits of Linux (dev ease, stronger control of the system) AND the benefit of my work being in a snapshottable VM. Truth be told, I'm actually sitting in the VM most of the time.

Comment Re: What the hell is wrong with Millennials?! (Score 3, Insightful) 465

At the heigh of WWII the Nazi party had 8 million members. That's .4 per cent of the world population of 2 billion. No where near "a good chunk."

The original post blindly labeled my entire generation as hipster, gentrifying assholes. The same argument comes to mind.

Comment Re:Ugh (Score 1) 125

Just because you can have a touchscreen on a desktop monitor doesn't make it a good idea.

Then don't use it.

Some of us don't like having smudges on our screen. Some of us don't like holding our arm out in mid-air just to move the pointer and to select things.

. . . Then don't use it. Did someone steal your mouse???

Some of us can't even reach our desktop display when sitting at a comfortable reading distance.

I'm begininng to notice a pattern. I don't believe any touch-capable desktop/laptops have prevented you from using your frumpy pointer tools of yesteryear.

A touchscreen is a dumb idea for anything other than a tablet. I'm speaking as a developer who developed touch-screen point-of-sale systems since 2001.

Speaking as a former user of touchscreen POS systems, I hate you. That aside, you have blinders on if you can't imagine that there are indeed useful situations for having a touchscreen available. I understand the parent post was talking about a desktop, but in replying you seem to have glazed over laptops, where the screen is not very far away, where dragging/dropping, photo editing, etc. is often more pleasant with a touchscreen than a touchpad.

ARM is going to be a serious contender for laptops soon. Devices will get lighter, and the distinction between tablet and computer will blur. Get ready AC, brush off your floppy disks and adjust the v-sync on your monitor (hope it's not too far away to reach!): times are changing.

Comment Re:Ob (Score 1) 71

On behalf of the European Space Agency, I'd like to say a few words: "Har har".

Because the ESA has never had a launch delay?

... It doesn't rain in the French Guiana. Didn't anyone tell you that? Sheesh, what careless misinformation.

And to think you thought it rained--lol--in French Guiana!!!

Comment Spare room! (Score 1) 720

OP, you have a spare room and are asking if you "have" to game in the spare room? You *get* to game in a spare room!!! Now you have a game room. Just move your game stuff and be done with it. No new hardware needed. This is why we split domiciles into rooms in the first place.

Comment Re:Don't fight it (Score 1, Troll) 720

Welcome to reality, my friend. When you find someone who expects sacrifices out of you that you can afford to make, and will sacrifice for you unnecessarily when it matters more to you, marry that person.

Precisely the reason I believe men and women, or more generally no intimate relationship between two humans, should never reside under the same roof unless each person lives in a separate side of a duplex house.

Once you enter puberty and actually want to spend your life with someone, let us know how this strategy works out. I suppose the children go in the *other* side of the duplex, right?

Comment Re:Don't fight it (Score 5, Insightful) 720

Apparently it doesn't work the other way around, though. There seems to be a double standard where people are expected to make all sorts of completely unnecessary sacrifices to appease some control freak partner, but the partner doesn't take into account the other person's feelings, as if their own are any more important.

Welcome to reality, my friend. When you find someone who expects sacrifices out of you that you can afford to make, and will sacrifice for you unnecessarily when it matters more to you, marry that person.

Comment Re:Wow... (Score 1) 647

systemd is ... what... 35 TIMES LARGER THAN sysvinit. So, specifically, the junk code I am refering to is that, exactly. wtf... 35 times increase in bloat... is systemd 35 times better? Does it save you 35 times the time that sysvinit costs you? This increase in code does not justifiy what it can do. Its a big big warning sign. But... I guess if you're lazy, its worth it.

"Lazy" is sticking with sysvinit because it's the familiar option. I think you're underestimating the benefits systemd offers--especially for package maintainers--as well as the complexity of many modern systems. Sysvinit's only advantage is portability to other Unixes, that's it. Boot time is the beginning of its shortcomings, not the end.

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