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Comment Re: I prefer wire wrapping (Score 1) 114

Eh. The laziest way I think is to:

1. Use an eval board or something for the main IC. Don't even try something like a BGA Nvidia Jetsons.
2. Get PCB way to make a circuit board for your analog circuits/power control/whatever you are doing.
3. Use throughhole when available, use the biggest smd size when not
4. Just use tweezers and hot air. I found for soldering on surface mount this to be the easiest. If you do this a lot buy robots to do this step for you.

Comment Re:Obviously. (Score 1) 220

Yeah. You've probably heard of macerating toilets. You can mount those right against the new walls you setup, and they grind the waste so it can travel on a thin enough sewer line that will go in the new walls.

You would plumb your sinks that way, and showers would have an elevated floor pan with the same idea - run the plumbing inside the new dividing walls.

Comment Re: a reboot can take about 90 minutes! (Score 1) 176

The 16th amendment doesn't say they have to tax income.

A large sales tax has 2 problems. One, you would have to tax things like real estate purchases. This would have major economic effects. Two, many people have savings accounts and stock portfolios where they already paid the income tax. A large sales tax is double taxing that money.

Comment Re: Late to the party? (Score 3, Interesting) 47

Probably a real similar problem with banks. The only reason it's possible to steal money by wire transferring through multiple banks is if a bank in the chain refuses to disclose where the money went next or who has it now.

So you have to only permit banks willing to cooperate swiftly to be allowed to receive or send wires at all.

Comment Re:and when the system goes down at rush? (Score 1) 221

The regular mcdonald's doesn't have a UPS for their cash register either. Their burger sales stop when the power fails, and if fails for long their food spoils.
For robotics you might actually want backup + generator because it might be expensive to clean the spoiled food out of the machinery and reset it.

Comment Re:and when the system goes down at rush? (Score 4, Interesting) 221

Redundant systems. The obvious fix for this is to have several parallel systems so they are unlikely to all fail at the same time during rush.
Also to use inherently reliable systems. The ice cream machines are broken because they are sabotaged by design as mcdonalds gets a kickback on the repairs.

Comment Re:So... EVs? (Score 1) 192

That's not a bad idea though it depends on your definition of "easily".

Most EVs, except for the structural battery model Ys, it is possible to unbolt the battery skate and lower it down, then open it up and swap cells.

But you need a lift and a special tool to lower the battery when the vehicle is up in the air.

And it's hard to see how they could make the car still be safe if the battery weren't in a big heavy case under the car.

Comment Re: Wow (Score 1) 157

So for this to work you would need the automation to be good enough:

The workload is low enough you only need 1 pilot. I don't know how far we are from that.

You can very often finish a flight and autoland safely, but not always. So for those cases where the pilot dies the plane can usually be saved/will act to save itself once it stops getting meaningful pilot input.

Comment Re: Arms race (Score 4, Informative) 23

Bruh do you even ML. In short, no. You don't need to make meat voiceboxes to train a neural network to make the correct sounds. You literally just need what this paper has - a detector - and then you use it's signal during training. The neural network will figure it out somehow. (how it does it "depends")

Comment Re:That's just you being impatient (Score 1) 113

What's super ironic here is this reminds me of the CD/cassette/record situation.
For whatever reason, CD and cassette sales and interest plummeted to basically zero due to streaming music and the enormous capacity of cheap flash media devices, but records survive and their production volume is increasing.

Stuff that uses CDs is maybe modern enough to just use emulated images, etc, but older embedded devices used floppies and still do because most simple embedded devices don't even need the information on a CD. Like an ICBM doesn't actually need much data at all, pretty much just the coordinates of where it's aimed and maybe some flight profile waypoints that vary depending on the target. This is just a few bytes, plus whatever data integrity metadata.

Comment Re: SSD reliablility going down? (Score 1) 82

Note that the media failing is basically not at all what causes ssd failure. If the media wears out or has read errors, the firmware has explicit code paths for that. It can handle it by reallocating spare media or by just warning you the device can no longer be written to and making it read only.

Ssd failure is when other parts on the board fail, or when firmware hits a bug. Including in the complex behavior above. None of it can be blamed on the flash itself.

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