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Comment Re:OpenGL and the rant about marketing (Score 1) 515

All of the .so files are distributed as binary files. That includes their

You're thinking of the .ko file, which is compiled against the specific Linux kernel you have installed (and incidentally linked against a precompiled object file), and which is non-portable except to systems running the same kernel version, with the same .config and built with the same version of GCC.

Everything else is binary.

Comment Re:OpenGL and the rant about marketing (Score 1) 515

This is inccorect. DirectX 10 does work on Windows XP, it is just not officially supported by Microsoft.

And this is incorrect. The Alky project went down. It was never a complete implementation. Most of the features that worked could be enabled in DX9 mode anyway - they just weren't.

And the guy that wrote it said in no uncertain terms that he has zero interest in starting it back up.

Comment Re:Reinvent the browser again? (Score 1) 318

The summary here is horrible. It doesn't actually have vi keybindings. The default bindings are decidedly vi-like, but it's hardly a selling-point of the browser. The vi bindings are merely a convenience to get you started in configuring it. In fact, the whole thing is quite unlike vi in many ways. You virtually have to implement all of the vi bindings yourself if you want more than just hjkl.

The real selling point is that you can configure everything that the browser can do. Everything from the way cookies are handled to the way the UI functions.

Comment Re:Call him Monkey Boy all you want (Score 1) 616

They did precisely the same thing with the PS2. Early games were kinda shitty because no one could figure out how to program it. Fast-forward 7+ years and newer games are getting more elaborate visuals and take better advantage of the very unusual hardware.

I imagine a lot of people felt this way about the PS1 when it came out.

Feed New Scientist: Moon is younger and more Earth-like than thought (

The Moon is 30 million years younger than thought and is not composed mostly of the remnants of a long-gone world
Presented By
Sequoia Media Group, LC ("Sequoia") and Secure Alliance Holdings Corporation (OTC: SAHC.PK) ("Secure") announced on December 6, 2007 that they entered into a definitive Agreement and Plan of Merger ("Merger"). (PRWeb Dec 19, 2007) Post Comment:Trackback URL:

Submission + - Solar System Date of Birth Determined (

Invisible Pink Unicorn writes: "UC Davis researchers have dated the earliest step in the formation of the solar system — when microscopic interstellar dust coalesced into mountain-sized chunks of rock — to 4,568 million years ago, within a range of about 2,080,000 years. In the second stage, mountain-sized masses grew quickly into about 20 Mars-sized planets and, in the third and final stage, these small planets smashed into each other in a series of giant collisions that left the planets we know today. The dates of these intermediary stages are well established. The article abstract is available from Astrophysical Journal Letters."

Feed Wired: FCC List: Companies to Battle for 700-MHz Spectrum (

The FCC releases names of 266 companies officially planning to bid in the government's upcoming 700-MHz-spectrum auction. More than half those botched their initial applications, including big names like Verizon, AT&T, Qualcomm and Alltel. They have until Jan. 4 to qualify for the auction.

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