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Comment Re:I am scared. I am intrigued. (Score 5, Informative) 820

...but the NY cut or Filet mignon aged beef marinated over 24 hours cooked by a professional with the right blend of herbs spices...

As a classically trained chef I can tell you that marinating filet mignon for 24 hours is a terribly bad idea. With such a small amount of connective tissue and fat it would be mushy and over seasoned. Although I do agree with the rest of your post. :)

Comment Re:"Vaccine" (Score 5, Insightful) 237

From TFA...

NicVAX works by stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies that bind to nicotine in the bloodstream, making the nicotine molecule too large to cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain.

So it effects the immune system to recognize some particular foreign matter and deal with it? That sounds like a vaccine to me.

Comment Simliar Situation (Score 1) 865

I'm in in a similar situation. I work two jobs plus school which means I'm away from home 14 to 16 hours every week day. A year ago I was a flabby 250 lbs. Today I'm a fit 180 lbs (I'm 6'3"). How? First, if you're not working out as much you should be eating less. I have a program on my Treo that I use to track my daily caloric intake and expenditures. If weight is your biggest concern, that's all you need. Seriously, your metabolism has nothing to do with it. Eventually you'll get used to the right amount of food for your activity level and you can stop counting every calorie.

If you're also looking to be fit you should sneak in a little bit of exercise. For me, I do pushups, situps, and pullups every morning. It only takes maybe 10 minutes to do, which anyone can fit into their morning routine. I have an exercise ball for the situps and a bar for the pullups - less then $50 for the whole setup. I also go to the gym every Saturday in the early afternoon. I'm usually still exhausted from the week, so I never make this trip optional for myself.

That's it. It really is just a matter of squeezing a few minutes a day and watching what you eat. Good luck.

Comment You're Missing the Point (Score 1) 874

I think so many people here are missing the point of this type of legislation. There is an real cost to polluting. It causes all kinds of problems: human health issues, natural disasters caused by global warming, etc. Currently companies produce stuff and don't pay for those costs they've handed the world - we all do through our increased health care costs, taxes to pay for hurricane relief, etc. A company that produces no pollution does not add costs that we all have to pay for.

Unfortunately you can't realistically look at the pollution one company produces, charge them for it, and pay directly for the damage it's caused. So, we make up a unnatural market to bring those costs into the actual cost of doing business.

It may not be the greatest thing ever, but it's not crazy to do this.

Comment Shipping Pillows (Score 5, Funny) 195

I got married last year and we registered for a lot of stuff from Crate & Barrel. Everything came packed in a ridiculous amount of packaging, but my favorite was the pillows. Each of the four pillows we got came double-wrapped in bubble paper! I guess they weren't broken when we got them, so it must have worked. ;)

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