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Comment Don't scrap the patent system, redirect it (Score 1) 387

The central problem with the current system is that it forces the people actually making things to defend themselves from entrenched interests. We need to redirect that fight so patent holders settle it amongst themselves rather than the wider public.

Set a patent tax at the point of final sale, and have patent holders lodge their claims against products as they come to market. Patent holders themselves will then have the burden of fighting off frivolous patents without troubling the organization actually producing things. The general public will have a direct view into the drag the patent system has on the economy, and will have to be persuaded to accept it. Non-commercial activity won't be impacted, because any percent of zero is still zero.

Comment Re:Extensions (Score 1) 432

The thing is, I could do all of these things in Gnome 2, and do them better.

A stable, mainline environment like Gnome isn't the place for experimentation. They should have let others do that and import things that worked slowly, as they were proven. If that means that certain developers left Gnome for those more experimental projects, that's just fine.

Comment Re:Not just Gnome (Score 1) 432

Clients often have domain specific knowledge, and that can be very useful to a developer, but they almost always can't articulate what they want and/or need very well. You will need to help them with that, but that doesn't mean dictating to them. It means interviewing them, designing, and then getting their sign off.

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