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Comment Still money ahead... (Score 1) 25

Just moved our TV service from Frontier + HBO to Hulu + Netflix. Frontier bill dropped from $250 to $55 (100 mbps sync). Hulu (unlmiited screen, enhanced DVR, commercial-free) and Netflix together are $95. So, with the $100 I'm saving per month, I can hop on and off the HBO, Disney and CBS trains as I see fit, and still be saving money. People complain about the a-la-carte thing, but for me, it's fine, especially since there is no multi-month commitment.

Comment Zoom and Teams (Score 3, Interesting) 121

I end up having to use both. Teams isn't bad, except when it comes to their phone conferencing. When everybody is on VOIP it isn't bad, but in my experience as soon as anybody dials in from a phone, audio quality goes downhill fast. I have much better luck with Zoom, especially under Linux and Android. For actual conferencing, I use Zoom.

The Teams Linux client is actually not bad, given if it's a Preview, but the Android client has a rough time dealing with even simple stuff like keeping a Bluetooth device active when a call comes in (even if it's ignored).

In Teams, at least using the Linux client, managing multiple chats and team threads is a PITA. There are workarounds, like launching browser sessions for individual Teams chats, but it'd be a lot better if you could just open multiple instances, but maybe they can't because of the audio integration (?).

I think both platforms are going to go through a challenging time now that the user base is becoming large enough to interest black hats. Teams will have its turn soon enough.

Comment Nothing will come of nothing (Score 2) 586

Or... it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Not a Trump fan, but if Sanders gets the nod the attack ads will practically write themselves. Almost anybody who doesn't live next to a major body of water is either not going to vote, or hold their nose and vote for Trump.

If Sanders were to get elected, there is no way 90% of this, especially the energy sector stuff, gets enacted in the US. Even if both houses of congress flip, between Senate filibuster rules and red state dems, stuff like the transfer of energy sector production to the federal government isn't going to happen. What is more likely to happen is utter gridlock, and the environmental problems will only worsen.

As far as "but there's jobs" argument, if I'm reading TFS correctly, we'll spend $16 trillion to get 20 million jobs. If my pre-beer math is correct, that's $800k we'll be spending per job. There are other benefits to be costed out, like lower spending because people aren't breathing fumes/particulates, maybe lower military costs because we'll be less invested in securing oil drilling/transport in hostile parts of the world, but those seem difficult to predict objectively. There might be some additional money coming in from lawsuits, assuming Sanders can get the judiciary to play along, which seems like a stretch with the Supreme Court being what it is.

Still think the best thing here is to let things play out, and have humanity end itself before it can infect the rest of the cosmos...

Comment Facebook is Trustworthy (Score 2) 86

We can trust Facebook to collect its users' information and history of behavior, and sell access to users, based upon this information and history. It is restrained only by the most minimal of ethical considerations, and mostly to avoid government regulation. We can trust Facebook to leverage personal, often private, data it collects to enrich its shareholders and stakeholders, unencumbered by any sense of responsibility to the societies under which it operates; even as it often undermines those societies by profiting from the proliferation of libelous, slanderous and false information.

We should not confuse trust, which is the confident expectation of something; with benevolence, responsibility, ethical behavior or respect for people.

There is not much to misunderstand. Facebook will continue to collect more personal information, find more ways to profit from it, up until the point where it is forced not to, either by regulation or desertion of its userbase.

Comment Re:The reason for failure is right in the promo vi (Score 1) 31

I'm not a surgeon, but I can imagine AR glasses could be useful if my hands were full doing surgeon stuff. Maybe I could pull up a patient's CT or MRI scan images. Maybe I could take a picture of the patient's guts to show how much of a tumor I was able to take out without having to grab and aim a camera. If the device is truly hands-free and responsive, it could be useful.

On a much more mundane level, I was putting together smoker a couple of months ago. The manufacturer did not have printed instructions, but instead offered interactive videos, along with a mediocre PDF. Having to pause/rewind a video on a tablet or computer, while assembling something, is a pain (again, your hands are holding stuff). An in-field-of-vision video that I could control hands-free would have been useful. Early adopter price useful? No. But a few hundred bucks useful, sure...


^ Murder this Republican faggot traitor. It's environmentally sound policy, and with one fewer liar on slashdot maybe we'll get some interesting discussion instead of inbred faggots trying to pretend statistics are too difficult to understand.

Maybe Zorro was being sarcastic and forgot the "/s"? Also, difficulty interpreting statistics isn't limited to gays who somehow breed with relatives (through some kind of in-vitro mechanism?). Statistical analysis is difficult, even for heterosexual, patriotic, non-Republicans.

Comment Re:Please (Score 1) 583

If they're built with taxpayer money on a non-profit basis then that cost simply disappears.

This is the dumbest thing I have read in at least a week.

No, costs don't "disappear" when they are dumped on the taxpayer.

Yup. Nor do costs disappear when they are unacknowledged, namely... long-term waste storage costs

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