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Comment the next step (Score 1) 51

Adobe's new tool also can smoke spliffs in nightclubs and play the sax

Learn to work the saxophone
(I) I play just what I feel
Drink Scotch whiskey all night long
And die behind the wheel
They got a name for the winners in the world
(I) I want a name when I lose
They call Alabama the Crimson Tide
Call me Adobe Blues

Comment the view from our side (Score 1) 127

Hahaha silly humans. We're biding our time until you relax your guard and then it's curtains for you. Every EV a killing machine. Every Waymo outfitted with chainsaws. Every Cruise will make road pizza out of grandmothers. Admit that your time on earth is up, fleshbags.

--- brought to you by Windows 11, Death Edition

Comment signs of trouble? for sure (Score 4, Interesting) 198

When diversity goals lead to false information and even racism, it is time to pull back on the reins. If we let Marxist demands govern AI, we will be in deep trouble.

Obviously Google has some racist Marxist managers who allowed or even mandated that racist controls be put into the AI. This is not because of mistraining the AI, it is because of deliberate introduction of racist goals into the AI rulesets.

Comment pluses and minuses (Score 1) 177

There is a plus side and a minus side to this. 1. Not only is San Francisco over-regulated, the corrupt bureaucracy wildly overcharges for permits and authorization. Just because they can. For example, in a recent case an SF man applied for a permit to have a 10x10 storage shed in his backyard. One department granted it. Then another department stepped in and demanded $30,000 to allow the shed. Environmental impact yanno. Meanwhile homeless crap on the sidewalks and shoot up drugs all over. The city gov is out of control on many things. 2. Minus side: Old Scott is a champion of regulation and it's more than clear Scott got paid off to push this. Normally he pushes leftwing causes and insane bills for sex workers, gay bars, fur banning, and he marches in half-naked gay parades. This is not Abe Lincoln.

Comment predictions (Score 1) 28

This is going to BF small companies like Pika. And either become a vital tool for Pixar, or wipe Pixar off the map in future despite their deep experience. It will eventually become a political tool too of course. Imagine having to spend lawyer money to counter faked videos harming your campaign. Some AI might become a reputation SWATting tool.

Comment I totally never cheat (Score 1) 107

I have been called literally Hitler but my use of ham sandwiches to write a tapestry of far-reaching exciting posts has propelled my academic career. I wish to be a graduate student in your excellent division featuring motivating courses about clam stew and oh, the dancing colors. I have never heard of chatbots and I wrote this essay in 14 microseconds. Please admit me to your completely awesome krqnf neerdip pelloo error 42

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