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Comment Re:Capitalism is enamored with Fascism (Score 2) 191

Yeah, but Roosevelt didn't fix the Great Depression, WW2 did.

And before WW2, our Government was in a much better position than it is now --- which is arguably in the bind it is in, from an unholy combination of military spending (Republicans love this) and from poor Medicare/D/SS design and paying government/civil workers too much and giving many of them overly-generous retirement packages after just 20 years work (Democrats love all of this).

The USPS, after it was spun off, reformed its pension plan, and while the few billion it needs a year is loudly denounced, it largely works considering what it's mandated by congress to do and other paremeters it has to work within, plus being one of the largest employers around.

So neither side is really for the people. And why would they be? The people don't control their reelection in reality.

We need an amendment giving power back to the people, and that's by giving only citizens the right to give to politicians in their jurisdiction. No corps donations. No PAC donations. No ALCU or NRA donations. Just citizens. Senators like Biden from Delaware shouldn't have an interest in representing Hollywood. And so on. Congressman from Bumtickle, Idaho should only be able to collect money from the Bumtickle, Idaho congressional district. Senators from their state. Mayors or Mayoral candidates from their city.

That should curb influence, from say, NYC banks.

Comment Me too. (Score 3, Insightful) 408

Simply, you can't manufacture like Apple, because if you manage too, you'll be just as expensive and the vast majority will want the name brand anyway. It's a me, too, that doesn't work.

But they had to buy 10k CNC machines to build 1M bodies? Doesn't sound right. Only 100 per machine.

Comment Re:Can someone clarify the state of BitCoin? (Score 1) 134

Tax-wise it seems tricky. It seems (you're nuts if you take advice from a random stranger on this) that it's considered an asset, and if bitcoin gains in value you have to pay tax on that

Like most assets, don't you (in the US) just pay tax on it when you sell it and realize a profit? Just like stock?

That doesn't seem tricky at all.

Comment Does natural gas fracking work the same way as oil (Score 2) 191


I know the extraction bellcurves of conventional oil wells/fields are generally decades long things, while fracking lasts only a few years, so a fracking area tends to get dotted with many, many wells before they have to move on due to depletion.

Does the same short-livedness hold true for natural gas?

Comment Re:Science creates understanding of a real world. (Score 2) 770

Science may be good and pure and free of politics.

BUT SCIENTISTS ARE NOT. They depend on funding and getting tenure and in general are dependent on institutions and where institutions are, there is a boat load of politics.

A hard science like physics has it relatively easy, but everything down the ladder can be and are muddied to one degree or another.

For the record, I'm convinced of anthropogenic global warming.

Comment Re:Stock is at a record high (Score 4, Interesting) 90

I agree. Apple still is coasting on Steve Job's risks. Coasting is fine in a stactic market, not in one full with change.

What happened to AppleTV? Oh, netflix and amazon and rokubox all claimed that pie because Apple was too stodgy to move on it.

Steve Jobs took chances. Where does Tim Cooke take chances? All I see is him betting on sure things and doing things for good PR.

Apple is the new Sony of the 90s. What happens when the tablet market is saturated and declines? What happens if major phone networks start allowing people to bring their existing phones and getting a discount, breaking the 2 year upgrade cycle?

Comment Re:straight from the OMFG NO dept (Score 2) 364

When it's all 3, I think it's a trimming of the budget thing. Or perhaps 2 of them really wanted to move on, and they didn't think they'd find a team that works on camera as well. If it were just say Kari, they could sub her with Jessy Combs. With 2 people, they'd likely collapse the team.

As with Tasha Yar, my view is, when you have a winning show, stay on as long as possible and ride it out.

Comment Re:My wife will miss Grant. (Score 5, Insightful) 364

I will miss Grant too. He seemed to be the only one close to a scientist of the 3, as an electrical engineer and robot builder.

Haven't watched the show for a while now. It became too much blow shit up and other dumbed down shit. Every episode. And yet it was still one of Discoveries smarter shows, as sad as that fact is.

While I can fault their scientific method, they had some ingenius ways to test and bust some myths. I wonder if "returning" to roots means smarter shows though or just trimming the budget?

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