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Comment Re:Greetings from Australia, where AM is still ali (Score 1) 282

Yeah, I can't see the Singapore post in this thread anymore for some reason - it was here when I first viewed the thread. But checkout the recent posts from both:

The wording is too similar (identical in places) to be a coincidence and it's clear it was written by the same person.

If the rsilverpubes account disappears, this is the content of the post from that account:

My not-so-vast nation of Singapore has a serious problem with coverage by radio stations, and indeed internet and anything else that needs broadcasting. The vast majority of the population here is concentrated in a large city. Which means FM radio station signals die out pretty fast as soon as you start driving from the population centers. So AM still has a role here, even if the quality is often sketchy. In fact, it's something of a life saver when there's a major emergency like a huge brushfire. In 2009, when massive fires engulfed large areas of Victoria, Australia, the AM stations of the Australian Broadcast Corporation did nothing but broadcast emergency information. There are terrifying recordings of warnings to evacuate, naming many towns. Or worse still, saying it was too late and to stay in place... Anyway, AM still has a big role there at least.

Comment Re:Greetings from Australia, where AM is still ali (Score 0) 282

So Slashdot user rsilverpubes is also Slashdot user maxcelcat.

The wording of both your posts in this story are too similar to be coincidental. In one you claim to be in Singapore, and the other you claim to be in Australia. So you're clearly lying. What is your motive?

As a Victorian, I don't give any shits about AM radio. The last time I listened to it was with a crystal receiver I built in my early teens.

Comment Scam (Score 1) 43

This is all just a scam. Mum and Dad investors will likely never come out of any RobinHood investment with any financial gain. Such companies exist only by taking money from the people who are not adequately financially informed. Robbers of Sherwood Forest will take your money at every turn in the forest.

This isn't really news, it's spam targeting the vulnerable.

Comment Re:I 100% agree (Score 5, Insightful) 207

There are many examples of when it works. Actually needing to go into the office on occasion for face-to-face time is the exception.

Generally - people who want face to face time in an office have inadequate social lives, or are managers wanting to justify their existence by filling up their calendar with useless meetings.

Source: I am mid-40s and have spent half of my adult life working/developing from home.

Comment Re:Use ISO 8601 date instead of version number (Score 1) 68

That will be a problem with ESR releases.

Firefox 102.6.0 ESR might have been built on 2023-01-02.

Firefox 108.0.1 might have been built on 2022-12-26.

You can't just look at the build date to determine which is more up-to-date or supports the latest features. Neither should developers be looking at the user agent string.

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