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Microsoft Wrongly Gives Britain the Day Off 253

Barence writes "An error in Outlook's public holidays calendar has incorrectly given Britons the day off work. Today was originally meant to be a Bank Holiday in Britain, but the holiday was postponed for a week to coincide with the Queen's diamond jubilee next week. However, Microsoft Outlook and Windows Live services are still reporting today as Britain's Spring Bank Holiday, potentially tricking Britons into believing they have the day off work."

Comment Give it up (Score 0) 94

This is the third story about this vulnerability.

"OMG - some software has a vulnerability!"
"OMG - someone's written a proof of concept attack!"
"OMG - someone else has done the same!"

This is even more ridiculous than stories about Bitcoin or the Raspberry Pi. Well, maybe not Bitcoin; that's just fucking retarded.

Comment Re:nice. (Score 1) 310

If you put "each" "word" "in" "quotes" then it works as intended. It's fucking ridiculous that you have to, mind. The other thing that's starting to piss me off is the auto-correction. Now it's brilliant that if someone searches for "diarea" it'll offer you pages about bum gravy. But (and I can't think of any real examples, so just play along) I hate that if I search for "cat food" it'll say "showing results for 'dog food'" and you have to explicitly click to tell it to search for the words you typed in the first place.

tl;dr: Google search is starting to suck.

Comment Re:It would be good to have optional GUI (Score 1) 780

Then buy a firewall whose interface only lets you open one IP at a time? Or even one IP/port at a time? If you're using iptables or pf from the CLI then a) you should be capable of configuring a firewall properly and b) it's perfectly correct and desirable that you should be able to tear a goatse in your security for a given IP/subnet/port/interface.

That NAT won't let you do this is a weakness of the technology, not a strength. Protecting a user from themselves is an interface issue, and one that should be possible for an experienced user circumvent if needed. Otherwise you may as well say that Bash shouldn't allow globbing - after all, a user might accidentally type rm * in the wrong directory.

Comment Re:It would be good to have optional GUI (Score 1) 780

It makes perfect sense to design an internal network using RFC1918 addresses, but that doesn't mean the hosts can't all present to the outside world with unique public IPs.*

A downside to NAT for a small home network? How about when you have two or more servers both listening on port 22, and externally you have to remember which port you plucked from thin air in order to be able to get to it? This of course being multiplied by the number of servers and number of services being run on them. It's not the end of the world (for a small network) but it offers no benefit except for conserving IPs.

*(Yes, yes, yes, I'm well aware I've just described one-to-one NAT, but I think it's pretty clear that that's not the type of NAT I'm arguing against.)

Comment Re:PHP is great (Score 1) 519

If your preference is for a full-on strongly typed language then PHP is a poor choice for you. However there are things that can go some way to providing this sort of safety - you can use type hinting to specify what types must be passed to a function (including support for polymorphism, interfaces as you'd expect). But this is still a run-time feature as there is no compile phase. I honestly don't know whether there's a static analysis tool that can use this data along with type-inference techniques to provide "compile-time" type safety, but there may be.

But I reiterate: PHP probably isn't the language for you. I understand your position, as I'm completely anal about code being free from all warnings too. However; I'm also of the opinion that strict type checking actually provides comparatively little benefit. When I fix bugs in our codebase it's almost never due to type mismatches, in fact I can only think of two instances ever where I've thought strong typing would have prevented a bug. On the one hand you may claim that's two bugs too many, but on the other hand that's several years of IMO faster development gained by not having to jump through hoops.

I've yet to use a language with a full type inference system, but it seems like that may be a pretty awesome compromise.

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