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Submission + - King's Quest III Remake Released (

Beetle B. writes: "Not being content with remaking Sierra's King's Quest I, King's Quest II and Quest for Glory II, the Anonymous Game Developers Interactive have released a remake of King's Quest III. Sure, the graphics may not appeal to the young'uns out there, but it's the gameplay that matters, right? Last year, after several legal battles, another game in the King's Quest series made by fans was released (with more episodes to come). And did I mention that they're all free? What other remakes of old adventure games are floating out there?"

Submission + - Saudi students in US seek segregation on Facebook (

Beetle B. writes: A 22,000-member group for Saudis studying in the US on the social networking website Facebook has been split into two groups, one for women and one for men. The split follows a request from the group's female members who wanted extra privacy.

'The separate page for Saudi women is a valid decision. We took it to fulfill the wishes of the Saudi women in the US. We have been contacted by a lot of women asking for their private group,' Majed Aleid, media chair of the 'Saudis in the US' group, told Arab News in a letter.

Comment Re:Tried it today (Score 1) 470

Surely having an interface consistent with 99.9% of the other applications running on your system is more useful than keeping up with the Jones's latest patent-encumbered different-for-the-sake-of-being-different UI fad?

As an Emacs user, I beg to differ.

Comment Re:Knock it off, people! (Score 1) 2166

Regardless of her political party, regardless of YOUR political party, we did not need this. We are all, on both sides of the aisle, diminished when this happens.

That's empty rhetoric. Moreover, it's simply not true. Someone is guilty. I'm not that someone. I am not diminished by this at all.

I grew up in a country where any tragedy of this kind (massacre, police injustice, etc) would result in everyone nodding their heads saying, "This is a collective shame for all of us!" Sorry, but no sir! I'm not ashamed of what I didn't do, or was not part of. Growing up there, I never saw this notion of false collectivism solve anything as a result of said collective shame.

Comment Re:Crazy people (Score 1) 2166

yes, there are crazy people everywhere. but if you give the crazy person easy access to a gun, ..., you can't absolve from guilt the demagogue who has been preaching violence and hate

Just as you can't absolve the owner of the gun company, the guy who sold the gun in the store, and the worker who actually was involved in building that gun. Let's not point fingers only to those we find convenient to blame.

And dude, linking to Daily Mail? Really?

Submission + - New Saudi Law: License for Online Media Required (

Beetle B. writes: "According to Saudi Arabia's leading English newspaper, Arab News, online newspapers, blogs and forums will now need to register with the Ministry of Information and Culture for licenses to operate, according to new regulations that the ministry announced Saturday it is to introduce. Abdul Aziz Khoja, minister of information and culture, said that the system is “in line with the development moves that the media sector is witnessing.” He added that the rules do not include any clauses restricting freedom of speech and that the ministry is eager to ensure there is transparency. He also said that the rules will be made open to improvement in the future."

Comment Re:Science? (Score 1) 453

Taking an example from a discipline and condemning the whole discipline for it is not intelligent. I mean, I could take some aspects of evolution and point at how biologists study them, and claim it is science - when compared to what most other disciplines do, the rigor is laughable.

Basically, there are two camps in psychology: Those who rigorously follow the scientific method, and those who loosely follow it. Declaring a whole discipline as not science would be like declaring biology not to be science.

Comment Re:College is a choice... (Score 1) 804

College is a choice, if students decide to squander it, banning laptops won't fix it.

True, but laptops can break an education of a student who didn't intend to squander it - and I don't say that in jest. When I was in school, I know people who would have learned better had they simply not brought the laptop in. They didn't "decide" to squander it.

Nevertheless, banning them from the classroom is stupid.

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