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Comment The bullied becoming the bullies? (Score 1) 780

How many of you keyboard warriors complaining about "people's feelings" were abused in high school? Do you remember that shit? This is about defining that bad behaviour and excising it to make a healthier community. You can still reject code. You can still reject changes. You just can't be an asshole/bully about it.

Comment Re:Somebody Else's Problem (Score 1) 780

[...]There's simply no reason to accept someone or their work if it's sub-standard no matter how hard their lives have been (or are perceived to have been).

The issue of diversity is a social issue and has to be/needs to be solved elsewhere.

Well for one, I don't think this is a document saying they have to accept all changes that anyone makes. It's saying: be nice about rejecting their shit. For two, open source software is an inherently social thing. You're building something with people for people. There's merit in realizing that communication and fostering healthy social atmosphere will lead to better software and a better community. No-one complained with i18n or a11y, because it is a good thing. Likewise, it is good to not be a dick about stuff.

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