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Comment Re:Goodbye (Score 1) 668

Run to the benefit of the people... by whom, and what's their incentive to do so? Do they eschew personal gain in this "process"?

(I already know the answer. Let's see if you can figure it out. Do your Progressive "leaders" eat any better than you do? Do they have fancy houses or cars? Maybe a free ride on a private jet at your expense from time to time?)

Comment Re:RMS is right (Score 1) 529

What you're trying to say succinctly, is that Bruce profits from the confusion created by open vs. closed source licensing and all the legal issues surrounding such.

http://perens.com/business/consulting - In this, you are correct sir. His website says he charges a $450/hr consultation fee.

More confusion, more perceived need. Attack!

Comment Re:Still a thrill for me... (Score 1) 382

All good questions... while I'm not much impressed with the latest leadership of AOPA, they have a website that may answer some of the questions you pose.


Many of the items are "unanswerable" because while there may be regulatory minimums, say on how much one has to fly to maintain currency to carry passengers, the rules may be completely different if one is by oneself in the aircraft. Aviation is mired in regulation but most of them track back to something that makes sense, like... higher standards if you're flying passengers other than yourself.

It's not cheap, and it's not always convenient... it's more a lifestyle than a replacement for the airlines for everyone. But for the few who enjoy the challenge, it's pretty sweet to just open the hangar door with a key and head off somewhere.

Like a lot of things in life, the resources to do it must be taken from somewhere else, so not too many active pilots are driving new cars, buying the latest gadgets, etc... sure there's always some in any group that are wealthy enough to do that, but most sacrifice significant things to do it. Same thing with race car aficionados, computer geeks who need the latest-and-greatest, campers who buy house-sized motorhomes and the fuel to operate them, etc. Similar fiscal discipline required.

Comment Still a thrill for me... (Score 1) 382

Because I fly my own (co-owned) aircraft.

Haven't dealt with any airlines for other than two flights in the last decade. One was a trip to an aera forecast to have weather beyond the capabilities of my aircraft on a tight schedule. The other was Hawaii.

It's similar to a lot of other things in life. Might get it cheap having someone else do it for you, but while it's great to let professionals drive the bus, sometimes it's more fun and a lot less hassle (read: TSA) to just drive yourself. Stop off at a few small towns along the way maybe even. Pop over to another State for lunch with a flying friend or two.

Not cheap, but neither was air travel in the 1930s.

Go find out. Head to a local airport and take lessons.

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